Example sentences of "[coord] that [be] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 The war was over and the Empire had won — or that is how the politicians presented the result of the match between Britain and Germany .
2 ‘ I could n't find a mirror I liked or that was even the right size , so I decided to have one handmade that would incorporate the colours and the theme of the living room , ’ said Geoff .
3 Of course Kirillov is anything but a normal human being ; and that is just the point .
4 On the cover Horowitz himself beams at us like a naughty gnome , and that is just the way his irrepressible musical personality comes over in the performances .
5 And that is just the kind of order , it seems to me , which ought to have been granted if the plaintiffs ' contentions are correct .
6 And that is also the view of our planning consulta er of our highway consultant .
7 For one thing they are impossible to reach now and that is n't the way it has to be , it 's just the way it always is .
8 If I had n't stopped you would have made love with me , and that is n't the action of a woman desperately in love with another man , is it ? ’
9 And that is n't the lie I meant . ’
10 The project quality plan is produced by the project engineer looking after the job , and that is not the project coordinator .
11 You know , often horses do stand close together and they , sometimes you get them overlapping and that is not the best thing to do , it 's nice to have them separated if you possibly can .
12 the concern , and that is not the question , i the question is what are you going to do about it in our country ?
13 So it was believed that a pronunciation change in one word would be followed by changes in all similar words — that there are laws of language evolution — and that is generally the case .
14 And that is why the SDP was declared to be a spent force the instant David Owen said that it would not be contesting every seat at the next election .
15 And that is why the legal department of the Daily Mirror will have to buy a new copy of Archbold .
16 It is that race of ‘ wise serpents ’ whose totem was the Hooded Cobra found inscribed on the soapstone seals of the Indus Valley who are the Nagas of Indian philosophy , and that is why the Cobra , known as Nag or Naga , has been raised throughout the country to the rank of a Divine Being .
17 The God Siva , who represents in his higher aspect universal intelligence and in his lower aspect metamorphosis , renewal and re-generation , governs these principles relating to the creative and dissolutionary processes in nature , and that is why the God 's image is always depicted with the Cobra adorning his person .
18 ‘ She is indeed , my son , and that is why the dowager-duchess has agreed , if reluctantly , that her daughter too might be in danger .
19 And that is why the sea is salt .
20 Donald Carr , chairman of the panel , said : ‘ Surrey were given a warning last year for repeated offences and that is why the matter was reported to the disciplinary committee . ’
21 We all like to feel we have been witness to something out of the ordinary , preferably unique , and that is why the unprecedented sight of 33 catches in a Test match was titillating .
22 The answer is not difficult , if we remember that each meeting of the Assembly was different in composition from all others ; personal oratory and ascendancy , not party organization , decided the issues , and that is why the absence of Kimon mattered so much : he would have given his usual speech on the ‘ special relationship ’ with Sparta , urging that nothing be done to the Athenian constitution to which oligarchic Sparta would take mortal offence .
23 And that is why the best specialists for this sort of medical check-up are in Eastbourne , ’ Adam said persuasively .
24 And that is why the virginia creeper plant turns a lovely red colour in the autumn .
25 We attempt to treat the wives and ex-wives of service men living illegally in some of our properties as sympathetically as we can and that is why the 1,600 to whom the hon. Gentleman referred live in service accommodation .
26 There have been many more incidents in the north-east , in particular , and that is why the recent transfer of Mr. J. A. Stevens from being deputy chief constable of Cambridgeshire will doubtless be welcomed in Northumbria .
27 People from this country are suffering the embarrassment of it all and that is why the primary responsibility lies here and should never be shirked .
28 The environment is crucial in this respect , and that is why the Council of Europe and its social , health and family affairs committee show continuing interest and involvement in these matters .
29 The Government acknowledge that a property tax is essentially unfair and not linked to income and that is why the Bill includes banding and discounts and why student halls of residents are rightly excluded .
30 I said in my orginal response that there was a failure in the signalling system at the time , and that is why the emergency procedure was in operation .
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