Example sentences of "[coord] i [verb] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Remember Ma Christie , our Norwegian Pathfinder , who wondered at how his crew just happened to appear as though from some mystique of chance ; how Middleton said in effect " my crew is the best in the Command … leave them be or I return to the Main Force " .
2 ‘ My mum 's brilliant and I go to a lovely young designer called Richard Kinlock , who 's superb .
3 Erm , but generally , ye I mean cos Eileen and I go to a we nearly always go somewhere like Carriages or you know , somewhere Italian which is , you know , it might , it all depends on what Jim 's eating at the time .
4 ‘ I work with women all day and I go to the pub to get away from them ’ …
5 ‘ I remember the date and I go to the grave every Thursday when I 'm in England . ’
6 And then expand on it , and so I go into each of these and I go to the and I say a few words about each of these particular themes .
7 Right , where 's this morning 's paper and I go to the bogs ?
8 En route we fried and ate the well tenderised cod — this was filmed with plenty of zizzle track — and I drank to the loss of another illusion in the Scotch that will never be seen in Saudi Arabia .
9 I can not account for its striking me more now than any other day , but it was as if new to me ; and I listened to every sentence he spoke as if to a musical composition . ’
10 Neither therapy was enjoyed and I listened to the catalogue of side effects like a reporter who had just pierced the darkest Amazonian forest and was observing a new race for the first time .
11 Later I descended with the songs of the skylarks still in my ears and I listened to the grumbling of the men in the mist of the grey streets .
12 His bedroom door was n't shut and I listened to the stillness inside .
13 I have many memories of Eton : services in College Chapel , especially in winter when the lights were lit and I listened to the massed singing of a favourite hymn ; the Headmaster , Dr Alington , an Olympian figure in scarlet gown , taking " absence " on the chapel steps ; the Fourth of June , a festival peculiar to Eton , and fireworks bursting over the river ; the Field Game on winter afternoons while mist crept across the grounds ; the lamps in the High Street and crowds of boys hurrying back to their houses before " lock-up " .
14 ‘ The phone went at 3am and I rushed to the hospital .
15 ‘ Connors and I got to the hotel just as your boys were leaving , ’ I continued .
16 ‘ Fortunately the traffic cleared and I got to the studio to start my show with two minutes to go . ’
17 The full vessels are left on the empty shore , they are for use but I am carried to the river in your arms , and I dance to the rhythms of your heart-throbs and heaving of the waves .
18 I stayed with my mother 's parents in Eltham and I wrote to every theatre company and virtually every person in the world , but nobody would even look at me because I had n't done drama school .
19 There I was , talking to people asleep this morning and I woke to the dulcet tones of talking on the radio .
20 I represent a constituency very near Westminster and I bring to the House many groups of youngsters from schools .
21 I support the motion and I bring to the House the support of the North-West Channel Tunnel Group , which consists of a vast range of north-west commercial interests , and of the North of England Regional Consortium , which consists of many local authorities from the north of England .
22 The ingredients were gathered together for me by Lord Wittisham , the kidneys themselves prepared by Mr Pegg , and I attended to the final cooking and preparation of the sauce . ’
23 On 1st March 1818 ‘ Mr. Otley and I walked to a little beyond Barrow Beck — very windy , the spray ran upon the water , but no pillars of vapour ’ .
24 The horse was led back to its stable and I walked to the far end of the house , where there was a lawn of coarse-bladed grass , brown with the heat , some exotic-looking flowers in a stony border , and cushioned garden chairs standing bright in the dappled shade of what looked like a cherry tree .
25 I do think the discussion so far and the contribution from Mr and Mr is unfairly er at this stage erm prejudicing a proper assessment of er er er a for a new settlement all the way round Greater York including the Southwest and I return to a comment I made before the break , that dualling for example of the outer bypass of the York ring road which is programmed and is , will dramatically change may well dramatically change the perception erm erm of people to the to the west of the Greater York area in respect of the area to the north east .
26 It lends itself to me and I return to the theatre strangely renewed .
27 I thought I would go mad when you left France and I returned to an empty house . ’
28 Vicky and I returned to the resort , had an early dinner and headed back to the beach about two hours before dark .
29 And I returned to the States in considerable agitation : if national white media continued their de facto denial of his campaign , Jackson might really lose the game on grounds of fair-play relentlessly circumvented for the purpose of defeating him .
30 But that 's what I use , CNN , I read the New York Times and I listen to the BBC , even in America , for a different perspective .
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