Example sentences of "[coord] for [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The exercise of these freedoms , since it carries with it duties and responsibilities , may be subject to such formalities , conditions , restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society , in the interests of national security , territorial integrity or public safety , for the prevention of disorder or crime , for the protection of health or morals , for the protection of the reputation or rights of others , for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence , or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary .
2 The exercise of these freedoms , since it carries with it duties and responsibilities , may be subject to such formalities , conditions , restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society , in the interests of national security , territorial integrity or public safety , for the prevention of disorder or crime , for the protection of health or morals , for the protection of the reputation or rights of others , for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence , or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary .
3 Article 10(2) sets out the qualifications in detail : " The exercise of these freedoms , since it carries with it duties and responsibilities , may be subject to such formalities , conditions , restrictions or penalities as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society , in the interests of national security , territorial integrity or public safety , for the prevention of disorder or crime , for the protection of health or morals , for the protection of the reputation or rights of others , for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary . "
4 may be subject to such formalities , conditions , restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law in a democratic society in the interests of national security , territorial integrity or public safety , for the prevention of disorder or crime , for the protection of health or morals , for the protection of the reputation or rights of others , for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence , or for maintaining the impartiality of the judiciary .
5 Sometimes fresh cow-dung would be collected for plastering the house , for rituals , or for sealing the clay fermentation jars .
6 There is a strong argument for extending the offence of rape to cover these other sexual indignities , or for restructuring the law so that there are degrees of sexual assault .
7 For those who were not going , however , it still was n't a day for giggling or cream buns , for showing off lunchtime shopping or for mocking the office messenger .
8 This facility is useful for rehearsing a piece of music , or for setting the EQ or effects on any of the tracks for mixdown without having to laboriously switch by hand .
9 Convenient for the M5 , M42 and M40 giving easy access to Birmingham and the NEC or for touring the Heart of England region .
10 He always understood that the papal decree imposed on himself an absolute personal obligation of obedience , but it did not give him a general responsibility for promoting the principle , or for enforcing the obedience of others .
11 Over the last few years I have also complained to the Press Council on a number of occasions , about various newspapers using such terms as ‘ Gay Plague ’ , or saying that the disease was spread by whispered conversations , or for exaggerating the amount of money spent by local authorities on gay issues .
12 Subsidies would be far better utilised as rewards for environmentally friendly farming methods or for protecting the countryside .
13 What we can not tell is whether the trends to increasing divorce and remarriage will be a force for increasing the solitary living or for extending the range of family contacts available to the divorced .
14 We are now routinely using LS-PCR for sex determination and are exploring its application to other situations such as the diagnosis of infectious agents where it is useful to simultaneously amplify both specific and arbitrarily primed DNA fragments either for the purposes of generating a control or for extending the amount of information gained from the amplification .
15 A child may work with father or mother ; s/he may look after a younger brother or sister ; s/he may be responsible for the family cow or goats or for selling the family produce in the market .
16 This Barth saw as the irreplaceable basis of Christian theology ; and , he insisted , once it had been recognised , there could be no possible reason for casting around in other directions , and certainly not for turning theology back into the contemplation of our own spiritual navels , or for blunting the challenge and promise of the gospel by seeking to reinterpret or ‘ improve ’ it in the terms of some alternative ( and therefore competing ) theological or philosophical frame of reference .
17 So many , so arbitrary , so variable have these definitions been , she claims , that they provide no basis at all for deciding which children need special education nor for explaining the growth of special education .
18 He accepted the original challenge from Technology plc and said : ‘ I 'd like to express my appreciation to Walsall FC and especially to Technology plc , who arranged the coach for the CMS team 's 15 spectators who travelled down to Walsall and for organising the match officials and buffet in the evening . ’
19 Accounts files will remain on the system for as long as necessary , so that 1990/91 accounts can be completed , and for proving the SUN Accounts system by parallel running .
20 In both cases there 's a facility for storing data , for performing operations according to some sort of program , and for telling the operator the results .
21 During 1922 soldiers were used almost exclusively in civilian affairs for guarding the train-loads of grain entering the Famine region , and for monitoring the distribution of food .
22 Contemporary Soviet commentators were reticent on this reference to the Zone but they praised the Non-Aligned for condemning the attempts of ‘ external forces … to aggravate tensions in the region and set one group of countries against the other ‘ and for stressing the need for ’ a comprehensive political solution of the problems of the present tensions in Southeast Asia ’ .
23 Any computer has a number of input/output or peripheral devices attached to it , both for communication with the outside world ( card readers , line printers , terminals , etc. ) and for augmenting the computer 's information storage capacity ( magnetic discs , magnetic tape , etc . ) .
24 This information is relevant to plans for local advertising , leaflet distribution , and for determining the potential for opening another branch to be sited a few kilometres away .
25 Furthermore , the system also came under attack as being unfair — hence undermining consent by calling into doubt the legitimacy of both the mode of election and the government produced by it — and for facilitating the adversary relationship between the parties , a relationship that significantly influenced public policy , but did so in a manner harmful to the interests of the country .
26 They were criticised for a cavalier approach to company expenses and for contravening the government 's economic sanctions against Rhodesia .
27 These rather artificial bridges from one group of questions to another are useful for keeping the candidate 's mind focused on the right area of response and for helping the interviewer see his/her way through the prearranged structure of the interview .
28 Looking back on these campaigns at the end of her life , she defined the law as the chief agency for enacting God 's work and for abolishing the double-standard , which menaced the young and ultimately contributed to the disintegration of the state .
29 The Nobel committee said it was given for their work towards a peaceful ending of apartheid and for laying the foundation for a democratic South Africa .
30 In a move sanctioning an earlier measure adopted in July by the IAEA 's board of governors , the conference voted overwhelmingly to condemn Iraq for violating its IAEA safeguards agreement and for obstructing the implementation of UN resolutions aimed at eliminating its non-conventional weapons stocks .
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