Example sentences of "[coord] it is this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is perhaps inevitable since deconstruction resists teleology , and it is this resistance that has enabled its enemies to call it nihilist .
2 The feature of human culture and human activities that gives rise to the representation problem is above all that human communities embody norms , and it is this notion that I shall principally discuss .
3 Today , gold is mixed with a variety of alloys to enhance these qualities , and it is this mixture which determines its value and purity .
4 The fourth type of love is what the New Testament calls agape and it is this kind of love to which Jesus refers in calling on us to love our neighbour as ourself .
5 A literally incalculable number of wives , ex-wives , widows and children were also engaged in casual work which is not recorded by the census , and it is this kind of employment , usually undertaken at the dictates of the family economy , that will be considered briefly here .
6 The school closed in 1987 and it is this part , together with the old playground and grassed area , which the RIBA have purchased and converted into offices .
7 Whilst the 60MHz iteration ca n't be clocked any faster , the 66MHz mask is designed to go to 100MHz and it is this part , touted as providing two-to-three times the performance of the 80486 , which Intel will use as a springboard for the launch of other Pentium family members — see back page .
8 This misrecognition later becomes the ‘ ego ideal ’ which affords identification with idealised others , and it is this possibility of identification which constitutes another aspect of pleasure in film-viewing , as well as the voyeuristic mode posited by Freud .
9 Instead it qualifies the property inherent in the noun used ( see Chapter 1 ) , thereby producing a complex property which is different both from the simplex properties and from their simple sum or union ; and it is this property-complex which is relevant to the relation of identification .
10 And it is this money which can be channelled , undetected , into the slush funds via foreign banks .
11 And it is this spirit of competitiveness which can cause a link to be forged between the " categorical assertions " of religions and the dark side of religion .
12 All Welsh counties for instance are limited to increasing their budgets of one point seven on point seven five percent over nineteen ninety three , ninety four are as the cities of Cardiff and Swansea and the borough of Newport and it is this cap of one point seven percent as my honourable friend for Cardiff South and Penarth has pointed out , which is at the route of the funding problems of the South Wales police authority area .
13 And it is this struggle that showed us a way .
14 Police determination to control the volume and the effect of picketing made movement around the country and demonstrations at collieries extremely difficult ; ‘ much secondary picketing was prevented from taking place , effectively or at all , by police action rather than the intervention of the civil courts , and it is this factor that is at the heart of complaints that the police broke the strike , or were used to break it ’ ( Wallington , 1985 : 148 ) .
15 It might appear , from the arguments and prejudices just considered , that the nature of the commitment dividing holists from individualists has already emerged : holists , it seems , are in effect determinists , and it is this feature of their theories that individualists are anxious to reject .
16 Thus the priests were known in Hebrew as the Kohanim — the Cohens — and it is this name ( which Leonard later signified in his poetry by references to his ‘ blood ’ ) , which exerted most influence on Leonard , primarily in his formative years , but throughout his career — consciously and otherwise .
17 There could be no Durkheimian solution to such ills , for Freud 's model of man-in-society included the idea of instinctual gratification and repression , and it is this dimension which is lacking in Durkheim 's thought .
18 Its inventor Kevin Inkster started with a loose chain on a disc , and it is this formation that Toolbox have chosen .
19 This is what the Englishness of England is made of , and it is this sense of place and the particular which we are currently in danger of losing , just as we come to understand it more clearly .
20 A knowledge of language will enable us to decipher strings of symbols as sentences and it is this knowledge , generally referred to as linguistic competence , which it is the traditional business of linguists to account for , and the traditional business of language teachers to teach .
21 Some concern has also been expressed about the impact of conglomerate mergers on the economy and it is this issue which is addressed next .
22 And it is this call which OUP hopes to answer in the plan outlined here .
23 These , accumulating during this second period created an almost limitless reservoir of units and it is this reservoir which can be regarded as being identified with the state of the Created God at the time of the dawn of civilisation .
24 I would perhaps rather always see the " real " world in respect to art in these terms — that to know an object is to transform it , and it is this transformation which is the form and imagery of art .
25 The actual point of this transition depends on several factors and it is this change of response which takes some getting used to , particularly for those with lots of fixed-wing experience .
26 For whatever reason , British society places much emphasis on solidarity with others rather than competition between individuals , and it is this phenomenon which is often mistaken for class ’
27 Industry statistics have shown that engineers can waste 40% of their time searching for information , and it is this problem that VirtualStation addresses .
28 And it is this approach which leads to denunciation of Derrida as a nihilist ; in Frederick Crews 's words , ‘ an intellectual nihilist , though a learned and exuberant one ’ .
29 On the contrary , they are speculation and interpretation congealed into a tradition , and it is this tradition which is constantly mistaken for fact .
30 Does he agree that there is only one place where the constitution of the United Kingdom can be changed , and it is this Parliament ?
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