Example sentences of "[coord] it [vb mod] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Above all territory must be effectively occupied or it would fall to the partisans ; this kept French troops from the battlefield .
2 It may involve three or more subjects studied separately but in parallel , as in the Scottish general degree or some polytechnic/college ‘ combined studies ’ degrees ; or it may integrate several subjects in relation to some area , period , theme or problem , in which case it may be called interdisciplinary ; or it may consist of a more open , modular system of requirements and options .
3 A market may consist of a mere handful of people ( eg specialist collectors of a certain type of antique porcelain ) , or it may consist of millions ( eg consumers of breakfast cereals ) .
4 A molecule may be monatomic — as in the case of noble gases — or it may consist of two or more atoms .
5 Strange as it may seem , some people have more difficulty in handling or expressing warm , loving feelings than negative , angry ones ; or it may feel as if they have to keep a tighter reign on the loving feelings , which they perceive as making them more vulnerable to rejection and disappointment .
6 Show your strengths to capitalise on , what you 're good at , O K , but that 's normally by the sort of products you 're selling , or it may identify to your manager , why you 're just selling Covermaster , has living insurance gone out of fashion where you are ?
7 The superoxide generated may have a direct cytotoxic effect or it may interact with inflammatory mediators to modify the inflammatory process .
8 Once the day care centre is no longer suitable we may introduce the sitter service ; link in with the local day hospital or it may lead to long term care .
9 This can have the effect of moving the blockage further down the burrow , or it may result in one or more rabbits deciding to make a bolt for it .
10 A search-light may scan the sky looking for aeroplanes or it may move to that part of the sky where they are expected to be .
11 Our huggable bunny may well be eaten by a fox , it may well be eaten by us , or it may start to be eaten by micro-organisms , die and be finished off by other microorganisms .
12 Or it may appear as an eroded large artery protruding into the lumen .
13 The product may be difficult to pack or it may need to be kept under refrigeration .
14 It may come from a published or syndicated source , like Retail Business or Mintel , or the Target Group Index ( TGI ) ; or it may come from a survey you have carried out yourself .
15 It may record its disagreement but ultimately accept the majority 's support of the development ; it may refuse to meet its financial obligations until the organisation ceases the action in question , although this may itself be contrary to the treaty ; it may regard the action as having no legal effect ; or it may withdraw from the organisation .
16 The law of that state as to the service of documents originating abroad may permit documents to be sent directly to the defendant without the use of any local official acting as intermediary , or it may insist on the documents passing through , for example , the court having jurisdiction at the defendant 's place of residence , the parquet attached to that court , or a huissier practising in the relevant area .
17 For example , it may instruct its members to go-slow or work-to-rule or it may call for selective strikes ( in which certain groups of workers stop working for a specified time period ) ; or all the union members may be called out on a one-day strike .
18 Its function is not known as yet , but the leaf may serve as mobile camouflage to protect the fish from the eight species of kingfisher which feed along this river or it may act as a ‘ stalking horse ’ as the fish pursues its prey .
19 On scenting an alarm pheromone , an ant may do any of a variety of things : it may run away from the source of the scent ; it may freeze and ‘ play dead ’ , or it may run towards the source of the scent and attack any nearby enemies .
20 The harm resulting from corporate discretion might lie in its impact on particular individuals or groups , or it might exist at a more abstract level , in the social disfiguration that the concentration of power in a small number of hands represents .
21 It could be your own or a neighbour 's , or it might belong to a local business , station or pub .
22 He gave a succinct judgment about what happened when he said : ’ We have got to stamp out this sort of thing or it will spread like wildfire and become a new craze for the yobs .
23 Erm a new factory going into the area for example will have a choice between one of Selby 's erm ca n't think of a suitable adjective , large requirement for industrial land , or it will go into the new settlement .
24 This will lead to disaffection and doubt or it will lead to ineffectiveness .
25 And for that reason , need , local need , should be catered for , unemployment sh obviously should be catered for but a growth strategy which seeks to double the allocation without any justification is inevitably going to lead to one of two things , it is going to draw in in economic activity from outside , and it is likely that that will be from areas of regeneration , or it will lead to commuting .
26 It also freezes well , or it will keep in the fridge for a day or two .
27 With his law of primitive socialist accumulation Preobrazhensky saw it essentially as being conditions which were imposed upon the Soviet economy ; either the state sector will grow or it will succumb to the private sector , but the ‘ law ’ itself is only manifested by a series of conditions which were conscious acts upon the part of the Soviet state , since it involved plans and planning .
28 N , kn and gn all have the same value /n/ as in night , knight , gnat while bow can rhyme with go / / as / / or it can rhyme with now / / as bow / / .
29 The masking can be consistent ( for example , top/bottom , left/right , middle/edges ) or it can change from frame to frame .
30 This personal authority can come from the holding of a traditionally authoritative role , or it can come from age , experience , personality and qualification .
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