Example sentences of "[coord] in the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You can make connections or deals on the floor , but you know that it 's over that expense-account lunch , or in the private suite , the yacht , that real money is changing hands .
2 In contrast with cholera toxin , vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and prostaglandins are bound reversibly , and act only as long as their levels in plasma or in the intestinal lumen are raised .
3 Interestingly , the root was located either in the eukaryotic branch or in the archaebacterial domain , but never in the eubacterial branch .
4 The Corporation will indemnify the Policyholder against loss of or damage to any Caravan described in the Schedule its Equipment and Contents ( other than Personal Effects ) while therein or thereon or in the immediate vicinity thereof .
5 The defendant has to prove that he was not in , or in the immediate vicinity of , a car rather than the prosecution having to prove that he was .
6 If this file had been saved ( in plain text format ) as " predir " , you could initiate printer output redirection by issuing the command from the filter ( ) , or in the immediate mode from within BBCBASIC(Z80) .
7 There are two schools of thought about whether or not the information should be presented chronologically ( which gives a picture of the person 's career development ) or in the reverse order , where the emphasis is on current work and achievement .
8 You have pain either in the lower abdomen ( bladder area ) or in the lower back
9 Erm whilst I 've not been able to produce an audited er set of accounts I do have er a set of figures for you erm and as you said at the the beginning of your opening er speech Mr Chairman that erm we had one or two losses during the year , those er in actual fact did n't erm affect us in thi this particular financial year as they were aimed at the September December period , but therefore they will be reflected in next year 's figures not or in the current year 's figures or the next annual general meeting 's figures .
10 If you are a reasonably good rider and can get experienced help , you may enjoy bringing on a just broken four-year old — though youngsters with potential ( whether obvious or in the current owner 's imagination ) can carry big price tags .
11 ‘ Mode ’ may be reflected in either a course title ( philosophy of , critical theory , foundations of ) or in the subtle detail of teaching and learning which may assume or encourage a ‘ normal ’ or ‘ reflexive ’ process .
12 Whether in slices or in the intact brain , LTP turned out to have a similar range of properties .
13 In 1920 the unemployment insurance scheme was extended to cover all workers except those on the land , in domestic service or in the civil service .
14 ‘ We were stunned five years ago to find the use of the whip was banned after the last fence or hurdle , or in the final furlong of a flat race , ’ he said .
15 But there are other lessons to be drawn from what the war makes visible — in the image of a desert war bogged down in muddy trenches worthy of the Somme in the wettest Saudi winter in memory or in the prophetic footage of cormorants drowning in the worst oil disaster yet recorded .
16 Many of the old village families still work in the area , in agriculture , or in the thriving haulage industry .
17 All the officers , except Dias himself and two others , sought asylum either with the British Consul ( and went on board the London ) or in the neutral zone in the hotels .
18 This was done from affection or duty or in the certain knowledge that those who helped would someday need similar help themselves — as a form of insurance .
19 ( This might lie in abstract justice , or in the general interest , or in some other forward looking justification . )
20 More difficult to assess is the toxic reaction of an odour , that is an effect ‘ which may influence survival or which produces unfavourable changes in the gross and microscopic appearance of organs or tissues or in the entire organism ’ .
21 This will avoid your deleting it accidentally , or in the apparent disappearance of the cursor as you type .
22 A fairly common place is below the base of the ear or in the upper neck area and this can affect swallowing or cause breathing difficulties .
23 Other views look outwards : they are concerned with helping the child with the needs of language elsewhere in the curriculum , or in the outside world of work .
24 Projection is a psychological process whereby something which is inside the mind is perceived as being outside it , perhaps in someone else 's mind , or in the outside world .
25 Lengthy discussions between the coalition partners on March 6 eventually resulted in an agreement that both German parliaments and governments would issue a declaration of intent after March 18 to the effect that " Germans will neither now or in the future call [ the Polish people 's ] right to live within secure borders into question by raising territorial claims " ; there would be no linking with the reparations issue or with the protection of a German minority in Poland .
26 You were as close to God in the gardens , under the big beech tree , or in the walled garden with its smell of rosemary and lemon balm , as you were in the chapel .
27 As Hamilton points out , ‘ very little attention is paid to the conflicts of interest between groups which may relate to their structural position either in an organization or in the wider society ’ ( Hamilton 1980 , p. 49 ) .
28 Nothing that has happened in Czechoslovakia or in the wider world since that time has diminished the willingness of the Czechoslovak people to accede to this wish .
29 Sent off no less than 20 times in his career , Johnson is a surprisingly quiet and tender man who lashed out at opponents , either on the spur of the moment or in the heart-felt belief that rational behaviour was for lesser talents .
30 Either in March or in the second budget which is due in December this year tax increases of some kind therefore seem inevitable .
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