Example sentences of "[coord] the [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So far as I am aware , this was the first occasion on which it was made clear that the period which elapses before a prisoner serving a life sentence is released is determined by consideration of two factors , namely : ( i ) the period necessary to satisfy retribution and deterrence , which has come to be called ‘ the tariff ; ’ and ( ii ) a possible further period if it is thought by the Parole Board and/or the Secretary of State that the prisoner would pose an unacceptable risk of danger to the public were he to be released at the end of his tariff period .
2 In order to consider the proposal put to them by the management , the prospective providers of equity finance , and/or the providers of debt , and indeed the management in a management buy-in , will wish to see as much information as possible about the target .
3 We conclude that the appointment of teachers with library training and/or the designation of teachers responsible for library development is to be welcomed .
4 Federal decentralization of domestic policy responsibilities to regional governments , local government organizations and/or the separation of powers are alike dismissed as window dressing .
5 The Commission and/or the Council of Ministers could formally issue regulations , directives , decisions , recommendations and opinions .
6 Client agrees with KPMG ( for itself and on trust and as agent for the others mentioned below ) fully to indemnify and to hold harmless KPMG , its partners , employees , its lawyers , [ Stephenson Harwood ] , any Approved Broker and ( subject to Client 's prior consent to their engagement ) any other advisers , agents and consultants retained by KPMG in connection with the Offer ( any and all of which or whom is referred to as an ‘ Indemnified Person ’ ) from and against any and all losses , claims , costs , damages , actions , proceedings , demands , liabilities and expenses whatsoever , joint or several , ( collectively ‘ claims ’ ) which any such Indemnified Person may suffer or incur and which relate to or arise from , directly or indirectly , KPMG 's engagement hereunder and/or the provision by KPMG of its services in connection with the Offer .
7 It is suggested that pupils choose a person whose Christian commitment has led him/her to work for the good of others , thus making a link with the Christian vocation to alleviate suffering and/or the work of Christians in relation to respect for human life ( both indicated in L.0.2 ) .
8 3.3 Any goods and/or work rejected under Condition 3.2 must at our request be replaced or re-performed as the case may be , by you at your expense ; alternatively we may elect ( at our option ) to cancel this order as provided in Condition 10.2 both in respect of the goods and/or the work in question and of the whole of the undelivered balance ( if any ) of the goods and/or the remainder of the work ( if any ) covered by this order .
9 The explanatory variables which are utilised are expected to have an impact on union growth because they affect the opportunity and/or the propensity of workers to join a trade union .
10 Because LTP is expressed as an enhanced response to single stimuli , it is processes controlling the rapid fusion of synaptic vesicles with release sites , and/or the formation of fusion pores , which are the most likely targets for regulation .
11 The release and/or the withholding of information provides an extremely strong power base .
12 review the needs of the elderly person and/or the carer at intervals of not more than twelve months , until or unless the review considers this to be unnecessary ;
13 If you have a planted pool , and/or the liklihood of fry , then some form of strainer is ( regrettably ) essential .
14 Pending discovery and/or the administration of interrogatories the best particulars the plaintiff is able to give of such transactions is that the third to fifth defendants were knowingly concerned in each and every transaction of which the following payments and each of them represent the proceeds of such transactions namely : …
15 In addition , the exact Ea copy number of the transgenic mice from other groups is not known , and/or the number of mice tested was not large .
16 After all , rape and/or the fear of rape is a real and constant part of women 's lives in a way that other cinematic staples , such as murder and mayhem , are not .
17 Risk management is defined in BS 4778 as ‘ the process whereby decisions are made to accept a known or assessed risk and/or the implementation of actions to reduce the consequences or probability of occurrence ’ .
18 The process whereby decisions are made to accept a known or assessed risk and/or the implementation of actions to reduce the consequences or probability of occurrence .
19 In the use of n-grams or a dictionary check to rule out letter sequences that do not appear in English , the information needed is a list of English words , or perhaps a large corpus of text from which to extract such a list and/or the list of n-grams for whichever values of n are necessary .
20 It could be argued that ‘ skunk works ’ might be useful in Quadrant 2 , but a special interest session of the Industrial Research Institute 1986 Fall Meeting concluded that such an approach is less likely to succeed when , for example , the project requires too advanced a technology and/or the transition to manufacturing is complex and requires very large scale-up .
24 STAMFORD AS THE SEAT OF THE MERCIAN GOVERNMENT & the Foundation of St. Leonard 's Priory
25 • 53% felt that they had insufficient information on natural childbirth & the use of anaesthetics .
26 Future coal gasification will probably take place in a gasifier — the Lurgi or the Koppers-Totzek for example .
27 Pycnogonids are small spider-like creatures , ½ inch to 6 inches long depending on the species , which are not uncommon on seashores all over the world , clinging to sea anemones or the bottom of rocks ( Figure 8.9 ) .
28 ( d ) The warrant is necessary , for example , because consent could not be obtained for the search or the element of surprise is necessary .
29 Illness , displacement by a younger brother or sister , or the divorce of parents are experiences from the past which can be interwoven with a current separation , overdetermining the strength of feelings and reactions in the present day .
30 When he took classes for McWhirter he stuck to the Romantics , or things that one could get a good adolescent wallow out of : Housman , say , or The Ballad of Reading Gaol .
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