Example sentences of "[coord] not on [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ie. Whether DCs referencing the module are to be automatically assessed as agreed or not on behalf of the module manager .
2 This new era will usher in a period of restructuring and reconciliation when South Africans ' international relationships can be based on mutual advantage and not on conditions of slave labour , bred of racism .
3 Appeal will often only be allowed on questions of law , and not on questions of fact .
4 There was still a majority view ( 68% ) that the inclusion of a merit level award was appropriate , although respondents stressed that the award of merit needed to be firmly rooted in identifiable and different levels of competence and not on comparisons between candidates .
5 Having said that , most cases turn on their facts and not on points of legal principle .
6 First , the analogy itself is rather stretched since many local government services , particularly in education and welfare , unlike those delivered by central government ( for example , through social security ) , have always been based on discretion and variation between individuals and not on standardization in accordance with clearly identified rules .
7 Under the new terms Salomon was permitted to participate in auctions but only on its own account and not on behalf of clients .
8 The third category is called the weak nuclear force , which is responsible for radioactivity and which acts on all matter particles of spin 1/2 , but not on particles of spin 0 , 1 , or 2 , such as photons and gravitons .
9 Then why should their legislature not impose this " strict " liability on manufacturers of automobiles but not on manufacturers of washing machines ?
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