Example sentences of "[coord] not in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 held that a general charge on the undertaking of a company applied to all its ships , whether or not in existence at the time of its creation .
2 Section 5(2) states that the trade description shall be taken as referring to all goods of the class , whether or not in existence at the time the advertisement is published .
3 Entries which are altered , illegible or not in accordance with these rules will be disqualified .
4 1984 ) showed that many were not aware of or not in receipt of home helps , day care , attendance allowance , or social work support .
5 Any instructions to counsel and any opinion of counsel ( whether or not in connection with any proceedings ) and any advice received , information obtained or action to be taken in connection with —
6 ‘ Loans not in possession or not in arrears for in excess of six months are provided for on an individual basis if circumstances so warrant . ’
7 Prices not in line with Ramsey-optimal ones or not in line with costs are not necessarily the most important problem .
8 He expected his father to rise and say something about that being no way to speak to one 's wife or not in front of the child , he was capable of that .
9 That kind of action is defensible or not in terms of the students ' civil rights , and in terms of the constraints such activities present to the civil rights of the general public .
10 A further paragraph in this message in which the State Department gave its views on the proposal to hand-over the Cossacks we shall come to in Chapter Six , but in respect of the Yugoslavs the State Department was ruling that , whether they were Chetniks or not in conformity with agreed allied policy they should not be handed over and the Supreme Allied Commander was to be left in no doubt of the State Department 's view .
11 In 1695 the licensing system was abolished , and in the following century the rule against prior restraint was given definitive shape by the venerated legal writer , Blackstone : " The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free state ; but this consists in laying no previous restraints on publications , and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter when published .
12 Champagne , the tipple of the Eighties , is shunned as hedonistic and not in keeping with the belt-tightening Nineties .
13 Whatever comments were made in the heat of the negotiations at Maastricht , there can be no doubt that those who wish to invest in Europe will want to invest in countries that will be part of the economic and monetary union and not in countries outside it .
14 On the issue that the Secretary of State has just discussed with the defence spokesman of the Ulster Unionist party , the hon. Member for Fermanagh and South Tyrone ( Mr. Maginnis ) , while holding that it should be a weapon in the armoury of any civilised Government to take out of circulation those who are seeking to destroy , murder and maim , will he give a full assurance to the House that he will undertake that act , if he has to do so , as a British Minister responsible to this House , and not in cliques with the Dublin Government who say that they would need to approve such a move ?
15 By the 1880s Blue Books almost always originated from the government and not in response to parliamentary demands .
16 This , of course , gives rise to the often-remarked feature of discussions that , while their coherence will be clear to the participants , they are far from clear to the detached viewer/reader looking at a transcript and not in tune with the immediate situation .
17 However Transitional Reduction is calculated on a Scheme Council Tax in accordance with the Government Regulations and not in accordance with the actual Council Tax levied by the Region and District Councils , in addition water charges are excluded from both years .
18 Since nothing had been taken away the duty in such a case was to reach an honest conclusion without bias and not in pursuance of a capricious policy .
19 True , the music can rise to great lyric moments , but it should be through the words and not in spite of them .
20 It was held that a jury could find that they had obtained money by deception , and not in return for chopping down the trees .
21 Questions about their politics elicited answers which were , generally , conservative and not in favour of progressive ideas .
22 But all the time it is working with you , and not in competition with you .
23 The review quoted by H Humphreys and D Greenwood makes clear that this type of regimen has mostly been studied in infections that generally respond well to treatment and not in patients with complicated illnesses ( in particular , renal disease ) and that its use is currently limited .
24 If the wavecut platform extends much further seawards than the projection of the degraded cliff it seems very likely that much of the platform was cut in the past at the foot of the cliff which has now become degraded and not in relation to the present active section at the bottom of the cliff , the state of affairs shown in Fig. 8.13 .
25 The generations of Marxists who have lived through the grievous experience of Fascism and who , in another order of things , have experienced Stalinist degeneration , appraise the concept of democracy in a different way [ from Lenin ] , and not in opposition to socialism and communism , but as a road towards them and as a main component of them .
26 What if Dr. Bach had lived in the desert and not in Oxfordshire with its lush fields and hedgerows .
27 Our Church often measures things in terms of worldly success , and not in terms of the humility of weakness and failure .
28 And not in terms of pro-welfare .
29 Someone with this expectation may therefore compare jobs in terms of level of wages and job security , and not in terms of how intrinsically rewarding the job is .
30 Excellence continued to be defined in terms of intellectual capacity in theoretical or abstract analysis and not in terms of the practical application of knowledge .
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