Example sentences of "[coord] not a word [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sarah said , and Mick added , ‘ And not a word about world affairs for once . ’
2 It was in a concealed metal box underneath the dashboard , that he 'd had one of the fitters weld in one evening for him , thirty quid and not a word to anyone , least of all Tom Holdfast .
3 In fact I happened just to have spent the weekend with a dear friend and was well aware that at some point over the two days she had entertained everyone suspected of being concerned , and not a word of politics was discussed , nor a syllable about supplanting anybody .
4 Not a word of gratefulness and not a word of forgiveness and not a word of love .
5 Not a word of gratefulness and not a word of forgiveness and not a word of love .
6 She struggled with the cold fear that had laid its hand on her : she had gone with a man , without protesting , without a single pledge from him , and not a word of kindness , not a promise for tomorrow ; she looked at Sabina 's back in front of her , the pinafore tied behind over her gathered skirt , and imagined her husband 's hands around that still sturdy small of her back , and wondered had she let him do that , do what Tommaso had done , before they were married ?
7 Near a week , and not a word from Aycliffe .
8 ‘ Woolacombe has been expecting him this age , and not a word from the man to anyone ! ’
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