Example sentences of "[coord] not [art] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A banker without money is like a doctor without pills ’ , commented American banker George Wood some 25 years ago , but a recent question for some banks recently was whether or not a judge in Chancery would dispense a ruling in their favour .
2 Used to test theories and interpretations relating to technology and subsistence , experiments can also test the very basic interpretations that are carried out during the course of an excavation : whether or not a hole in the ground functioned as a pit or a posthole , what a particular pit was used for , and so on .
3 In 1987 , the Howarth Bill took a different route , proposing to add an alternative test based on whether or not the work in question was ‘ grossly offensive to a reasonable person ’ .
4 However , deficiencies in the ability of the study to accurately record information on the cause of death meant that it could not be shown whether or not the reduction in mortality had been due to a reduction in diarrhoea-related deaths and hence due to the programme .
5 The scheme is applicable whether or not the school in question is the student 's main base .
6 The subject of whether or not the situation in Golding 's ‘ Lord of the Flies ’ would have been different had girls been on the island is very difficult to reach a decision on and depends on many things .
7 The situation without a check varies depending on whether or not the action in question has an escapement mechanism .
8 This is to allow the Commission an opportunity to determine whether or not the aid in question is compatible with the Treaty of Rome .
9 Never taking his eyes from her , Gregson slipped out the photo of Paula Wilson and quickly explained the reason for his and Finn 's presence , enquiring whether or not the face in the monochrome picture rang any bells .
10 The basic principles set out in this Code will apply whether or not the lending in question is secured .
11 And not a porter in sight .
12 For the latter , the term God is the main religious symbol for the Ground of Being while , for the former , God is the name we give to the mysterious power that pervades the universe and not a symbol in the Tillichian sense .
13 Hatchards in Piccadilly was crammed to bursting with authors last Wednesday for its Authors of the Year reception , the annual event the bookshop stages to enable authors to get together with each other , and not a publisher in sight .
14 Seventeen blissful years with nary a thought of green sunblock , purple reflective goggles or navy blue knockers and not a knot in my stomach , in anticipation of hurtling off a glacier with sweat running down my longjohns into my boot-bindings .
15 ‘ There 's me with thirty-five men to feed , and not a morsel in my larder tent ! ’
16 Berlin has a string of first-class hotels , and not a lot in the middling class .
17 Given recent reductions in the rate of personal taxation , there is now little fiscal benefit to be obtainedthough in any case that should have been regarded as an incidental benefit and not a justification in itself for the establishment of such a company .
18 Go up Road , and from there turn down Follyhouse Lane the continuation of it and you 'd come right to the Dales and nothing at all from there to West Bromwich , and you could see , if you go over one stile from one field then onto another and then brook that now runs through the Road there , that used to be a little country brook that run across the golf course and there was a little stile over it , a little bridge and a stile , then you go straight up to Dells common and not a house in sight .
19 And not a sausage in the Sunday papers .
20 Clean , cheap , fast and not a firearm in the vicinity . ’
21 Green fields , a coppice of trees , and not a roof in sight .
22 And not a scruple in his head about how he gets it , I 'd guess . ’
23 You would n't see anybody walking round these big buildings and not a soul in sight .
24 One morning he also opened up the building , went upstairs and came down and there was these fresh footprints on a part of the building which he had n't been at that time and he , like myself , looked all over the building and not a soul in sight .
25 Still looking at section 3(1) , I point out that ‘ any later assumption of a right to it ’ ( that is , a right to the property ) amounts to an appropriation of a right to it and that normally ‘ a right to it ’ means a right to the property and not a right in it . ’
26 Mary 's marriage to Henry had certainly taken place by February 1381 , and Thomas might well have done what he could to prevent her marrying , but Froissart casts Thomas as a villain in his account of English politics in Richard II 's reign , and not every detail in the story should necessarily be accepted at face value .
27 In 1988 , this was over $US 40 , payable in this currency only and not the equivalent in Chinese ‘ people 's money ’ ( renminbi ) , which is approximately one month 's salary for a young teacher .
28 These you will recall are the ones that are characteristic of the disease in general in everyone and not the disease in the individual .
29 Since the standard molar free energies of formation of these are zero , the following condition must apply if these reactions are to occur spontaneously : The more stable oxide-that is , the oxide with the more negative value-must therefore be the product and not the reactant in both cases .
30 It was rather a loveless heart , the guts were dagging , and the cunt was the driest coldest and most shrivelled of cunts , if indeed cunt it was and not an asshole in disguise .
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