Example sentences of "[coord] not [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 For Hilton , as for the Cloud-author , the road to this Jerusalem is " ronne by desires & not by pases of feet " .
2 ie. Whether DCs referencing the module are to be automatically assessed as agreed or not on behalf of the module manager .
3 1984 ) showed that many were not aware of or not in receipt of home helps , day care , attendance allowance , or social work support .
4 He expected his father to rise and say something about that being no way to speak to one 's wife or not in front of the child , he was capable of that .
5 That kind of action is defensible or not in terms of the students ' civil rights , and in terms of the constraints such activities present to the civil rights of the general public .
6 Managers of trust hospitals will be judged on their ability to manage and not as apparatchiks of a political dogma .
7 In the course of his visit , his first to Portugal since 1975 ( when Angola 's independence agreement was signed — see pp. 26973-75 ) , Savimbi held discussions with President Soares and with Prime Minister Aníbal Cavaço Silva — the latter in his capacity as leader of Portugal 's ruling Social Democratic Party and not as head of government .
8 On the other hand the counsellor may be assisted by many physical signs which suggest that alcohol is a problem , such as finding lots of empty bottles around , or when an older person is found to be drinking at all times of the day , often alone and not as part of a social occasion .
9 It is submitted that this approach is wrong and that it would be better to consider the database structure as a form of expression in its own right and not as part of the computer program .
10 Six political parties , which with other interest groups had elected the Sawyer interim government , saw the Banjul agreement as continuing the reconstitution of Liberia 's government under ECOWAS auspices , and not as endorsement of another interim administration .
11 Since we are satisfied that by the operation of the Judicature Act 1873 and its successor statutes High Court judges are sitting as the High Court when they exercise their jurisdiction as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary matters , there is nothing in Lord Diplock 's speech in that case which derogates from the proposition that they are not susceptible to judicial review , which is available , as Lord Diplock said , at p. 384 , as a remedy for mistakes of law made by inferior courts and tribunals only , and not for mistakes of law made by the High Court itself .
12 This new era will usher in a period of restructuring and reconciliation when South Africans ' international relationships can be based on mutual advantage and not on conditions of slave labour , bred of racism .
13 Appeal will often only be allowed on questions of law , and not on questions of fact .
14 Having said that , most cases turn on their facts and not on points of legal principle .
15 Under the new terms Salomon was permitted to participate in auctions but only on its own account and not on behalf of clients .
16 As with the Merseyside Task Force , they were to be primarily concerned with project development and not with issues of strategy .
17 The only real connections are those which are associated with selection and admission ( the Universities Central Council on Admissions ( UCCA ) and Polytechnics Central Admissions System ( PCAS ) ) and not with continuity of curriculum .
18 In paragraph 16 they point out that the defects stem from regarding larceny as a violation of possession and not of rights of ownership , with the offence depending on a taking of the property .
19 To determine whether the ET-1-IR was the result of increased local synthesis , and not of uptake of ET-1 from the circulation , in-situ hydridisation with a complementary RNA probe was done .
20 The " fair comment " defence relates only to comment — to statements of opinion , and not to statements of fact .
21 It is well patronised and not under threat of closure .
22 Had been told that the Prince , his son , had not visited his new wife 's bed for several days , and not through pressure of work .
23 Since nothing had been taken away the duty in such a case was to reach an honest conclusion without bias and not in pursuance of a capricious policy .
24 True , the music can rise to great lyric moments , but it should be through the words and not in spite of them .
25 Questions about their politics elicited answers which were , generally , conservative and not in favour of progressive ideas .
26 Our Church often measures things in terms of worldly success , and not in terms of the humility of weakness and failure .
27 And not in terms of pro-welfare .
28 Someone with this expectation may therefore compare jobs in terms of level of wages and job security , and not in terms of how intrinsically rewarding the job is .
29 Excellence continued to be defined in terms of intellectual capacity in theoretical or abstract analysis and not in terms of the practical application of knowledge .
30 [ I ] t is in terms of such a rule , and not in terms of orders backed by threats , that the ideas of legislative enactment and repeal are to be understood .
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