Example sentences of "[coord] not [prep] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 It works through meanings , certainly , or not without meanings in the ordinary sense , and fuses the old and obliterated and the trite , the current , and the new and surprising , the most ancient and the most civilised mentality .
2 He is ready , he says , to consider Syria 's ‘ vital interests ’ in Lebanon , and by that he appears to mean that its army could stay in the Beka'a Valley , provided it is clearly intended for defence against Israeli attack and not for interference in Lebanon 's internal affairs .
3 The estimated hazard may increase with duration for some individuals and not for others in the sample , depending on their data .
4 The other track is to be preferred , leading directly to the corrie and the most exciting aspect of the mountain , but the way is very rough and not for feet in sandals .
5 The more autonomous a field is , the greater the extent to which production in that field is only for other producers and not for consumers in the social field ( or field of power ) .
6 First , the analogy itself is rather stretched since many local government services , particularly in education and welfare , unlike those delivered by central government ( for example , through social security ) , have always been based on discretion and variation between individuals and not on standardization in accordance with clearly identified rules .
7 Of course , he is concerned here with speech , and not with language in general , which may of course encompass gestural systems or systems such as those used by the ape language experimenters .
8 In Egypt and the Near East relief-sculpture ( mostly in very flat low relief ) goes in this respect with drawing and not with sculpture in the round .
9 Dealing with outsiders , with the enemy , is the duty of the ruwang , and not of men in general .
10 The defence applies only to retailers and not to others in the distribution chain who can rely upon another defence of general application under s39 , namely , " due diligence " .
11 Its conclusion is that there are no mistakes whatever in it , and , if any apparent mistakes are found , this must be due to our interpretation and not to problems in the text .
12 The consultation will be held at the Escola Superior de Teología in São Leopoldo , Brazil and not at ISEDET in Argentina as originally stated .
13 He insisted that the vote was about Maastricht and not about confidence in Mr Major .
14 That is not to say that Parliament does not have a significant influence on the pattern of public expenditure , but it is exercised in various indirect ways at the formative stage of determining the pattern of public expenditure , and not through variations in the government 's proposals once they have been laid before the House .
15 He had tried experimentally and not without success in the past , but was needed more often to revert to orthodox seam .
16 The difference is defined as total factor productivity ( TFP ) because it is the change in output resulting from changes in the way in which quantities of capital and labour are employed and not from changes in the quantities themselves .
17 He makes an inventory of forms , but not of contexts in which the forms arise — this would be a very difficult task as the forms often overlap and can cause confusion to the learner .
18 Both France Télécom and Deutsche Bundespost Telekom would love to launch global telecoms joint ventures , but not with AT&T in the driving seat .
19 In September Cheney announced that the increased use of US military personnel in combating drugs in Latin America would be for training and advising , but not in participation in anti-drugs operations .
20 Joan also uses it inconsistently , having it in but but not in rubbish in the same line .
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