Example sentences of "[coord] he be [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 God , who is the Father of Jesus Christ , is either there or he is not there .
2 It was all a dream , or he was n't properly awake .
3 And he is also happily married to a woman with her own sporting interests — different ones , chiefly polo — and the organisational temperament he apparently lacks .
4 And he is n't even — gods , but he 's heavy .
5 He won two handicap hurdles last season over this course and has had two races to tune him up again and he is not badly handicapped .
6 This galloping course will suit his action and he is not badly treated at the weights on his best form .
7 ‘ The stitches are out and he is not even having to use crutches .
8 ‘ The stitches are out and he is not even having to use crutches .
9 And he is not yet so low that he can not bring down many a better man .
10 One prisoner writes of another in his block : ‘ He has an IQ that 's slightly above freezing temperature Fahrenheit but he knows that he was wrong and he is not as dumb as he wants people to believe .
11 Meanwhile speculation is mounting in the West that hardliners are beginning to dictate what he should do , and he is no longer in full control .
12 It has n't stopped him making guest appearances and recordings with western orchestras , and he is no longer in a position where he 's asked only to conduct Russian music — ‘ Berlioz and Beethoven with British orchestras were far more interesting propositions for me than , for example , Tchaikovsky , because you remember too much the way Russian orchestras play Tchaikovsky with the huge sound and the heaviness and the passion ’ .
13 The visual comedy of the episode is obvious , but in discourse terms Anderson is faced with a serious public loss of positive face ( Brown and Levinson 's term for one 's desire to have one 's wants and conduct approved of by others ) if he is unable to produce a question which appears intelligent and serious , and he is thus under considerable pressure as he speaks .
14 He once went five and a half years unbeaten and he is still as modest as a mouse .
15 67 years ' service at age 56 A Bedale man has completed a total of 67 years in two branches of public service and he is still only 56 .
16 The anthropologist 's appetite for information and his curiosity are boundless , and he is naturally particularly attracted by those avenues of inquiry where the answers come hard , suggesting that he has touched on a sensitive and hence significant vein .
17 The Doctor manages to steal and activate the Time Destructor , but although the Dalek invasion force is wiped out Sara ages to death before his eyes , and he is only just rescued by Steven .
18 It is in the north that Richard 's power was greatest and he is now usually regarded as a northern figure .
19 It is in the north that Richard 's power was greatest and he is now usually regarded as a northern figure .
20 Sadly I have not read this but I am such a fan of the author and he is so well connected that he gets reviews everywhere , and I just wanted to slip it in .
21 The hon. Member for Dagenham said that the Government are not prepared to move to a property tax and he is absolutely right — we are not .
22 As he grows older he is naturally nearer to the world outside school ; he is ready to demand a good reason for doing whatever he is asked to do ; and he is extremely easily distracted by the problems and dramas of his own life and hard times .
23 Having completed his course , he found that there were few vacancies for horticulturists and he is once again on the dole .
24 And he is there now in the glory , but yet we say , we invite Jesus into our heart , and he walks , and we sing the song from the , he walks and he talks , how is it that this happens if Jesus is there in heaven ?
25 This is not only likely to be painful for him , but it undermines his stability , so that he can only walk slowly , with constant concentration , and he is much more likely to fall over if he has to change direction or if he is distracted .
26 All of this and he 's not even recovering from any broken bones ( Ben 's specialty over the last few years has been to break a bone and then come back and do or repeat the world 's hardest route ! )
27 And he 's not even heard of the Welfare State .
28 So basically they 've broken their contract with me and he 's not even responded to that letter .
29 And he 's not even a customer !
30 And he sends her money home every week , when he 's in the army and he 's not here for to help her get the place sorted out and with the price of everything so dear .
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