Example sentences of "[coord] we do n't have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not without high tensile bolts and we do n't have any .
2 ‘ Unfortunately , it is difficult for him to paint in the house in Leeds because we do n't have the space and we do n't have the light .
3 The former nationalised industries are now making vast profits , the unions have been silenced , inflation is down to four per cent and we do n't have the crippling defence burden caused by keeping the USSR at bay .
4 ‘ I never cook for us and we do n't have dinner parties .
5 Mind , all the bed linen 's clean , and we do n't have no bugs or fleas , I would n't 'ave anything like that in any 'ouse I lived in . ’
6 We wo n't stop shipping Open Network Computing ( its own distributed solution ) , ONC is recommended , and we do n't have an answer on whether DCE will be a third party or Sun offering . ’
7 So I was going to rummage through these slides and we do n't have them , erm so I 'll have to , I 'll hand the , the , the book around in just one minute , erm the poems that I 'm going to read to you , very few of them are actually complete , most of them are sketches erm ideas and images of erm , that I 've got , I 've , I 've got them from the paintings .
8 There 's a lot going on out there , and we do n't have anywhere near enough space to put everything in that we 'd like , so busy is what it is .
9 Now because of course we now have more computers in society than we ever did before , and we do n't have lots of paper files before us inevi invariably , the information is being held upon the computer .
10 We 'll be driving in the light and we do n't have to go fast . ’
11 Er we 've got one lot of neighbours who seem very pleasant and we do n't have any other neighbours .
12 ‘ She 's worried about keeping her works clean and we do n't have any spare so she 's staying low . ’
13 Erm , we get er , leads , unfortunately they become available across the whole of western Europe or the whole of Britain , and we do n't have hundreds of successes from America .
14 But we probably do n't inspect and give advice to people who 'd like us to , because they 're not a priority , and we do n't have the resources to do that .
15 I think the , this is quite well illustrated by the figures on employees , where the numbers employed fell by getting on for ten percent , though our spending on employees remained about the same , partly as a result of pay increases , partly also , as a result of changes in the profile of grades of the staff at the Council , and a movement towards better staff , better paid , and then finally the saving we make each year as turnover of staff occurs , and we do n't have to pay salaries during the handover period from one person to another , that saving that has reduced because the turnover of staff has reduced .
16 And we do n't have children with grubby hands .
17 When we 're in the class full of people , and we do n't have the incentive , that we do n't want to do A Level English for it 's own sake , but for another goal which is one further removed .
18 ‘ We did n't go in on the free travel promotion because many of the deals involved British Rail and we do n't have it here , ’ she said .
19 ‘ The devil is in the detail and we do n't have all the numbers yet .
20 Mrs Maginnis said : ‘ We do n't have patients running hospitals and we do n't have neighbours living in the vicinity going in and testing that intestines have been put back properly by the surgeon carrying out the operation .
21 We can easily walk there and we can come in the front we can come in the front gates of the park and we do n't have to go up great big steep hills do we ?
22 three million books on the shelve , and we do n't have time going properly at the price so we go anything you want , bung it on the trolley and soon as the trolleys full it 's taken away and another one given , and you poke around and then in the evening , you stay in a hotel overnight , and then the following morning , they get and you just sort of send up the money and they just shout up the money as we go , then , every time I get to a thousand they say one , two , and you say right , tell me when I get near three , and I 've got this erm , I 'm dreadful at maths , I failed maths O Level three times and I do n't think about prices , I 've never been more than fifteen pounds out .
23 I think we 're very well organized here and we do n't have to worry too much about it .
24 And er , and we do n't have a cup of tea yet .
25 The people the people who are living in Kuwait , they got all the basic erm services such as electricity and water , which is , you know , water is processed a mechanically processed system , we do n't have rivers and we do n't have portable water wells erm we process our own water through erm desalination plants located at on the gulf .
26 We complained to Malcolm , told him we were fed up with the mice and we did n't have enough money to eat properly .
27 ‘ After a time demand just kept growing and growing and we did n't have the finance to boost production to keep pace with it .
28 Father was a Methodist minister and we did n't have a TV set at home until I was 18 .
29 ‘ When that call was made we were told both players would be coming down and we did n't have to apply any new rules .
30 Our tool kit has been built up over many years and we did n't have to buy much : a long tape measure , a new pickaxe handle , some new screwdriver bits ( we lost one down the cavity ) .
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