Example sentences of "[coord] do not [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was calm and did not rail in spite , that night , as they waited for the island 's noises to change to the night 's flutings and clicks and sighs .
2 Indeed there is no Mughal who does not know and does not glory in repeating the Persian proverb :
3 If there was some difficulty involved which resulted in your leaving a job , avoid referring to it , but do not resort to outright lying as this will rebound badly against you if you are found out .
4 ‘ Méthode champenoise ’ wines are sparkling wines that have been made in exactly the same way as Champagne , but do not quality for the name because they 're not made in the Champagne region .
5 But do n't sort of back away from them try and to , to work with them cos you 've got ta , you 've got ta get the two , the two together .
6 Slipper of the Yard objected to some passages in Delano 's book but did not resort to litigation .
7 The pledgor gives the pledgee ( the lender ) some rights but does not part with all rights of ownership .
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