Example sentences of "[coord] they were [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For each item , the children either had to complete a sentence , such as Snoopy has cream on his face so … or they were given a description of the clue , such as The clue is that Snoopy has cream on his face , and were asked to tell the Pink Panther about the clue and what they had worked out .
2 I wish we were playing them , or they were playing the Scousers/Arsenal/Man City even .
3 Most of them came fro Blundell 's School and Castle Cary CC in Somerset , and they were styled the Devon & Somerset County Wanderers .
4 And she said it was so funny , she said , you 'd get the , the so the poorer people perhaps would use this shop and erm and yet she said , people I knew in the street erm that were Conservatives dealt at the Co-op , where it was I suppose the best buy and they were saving the divi you know , and we thought it was quite funny really .
5 and they were singing the territory , hello darling , they were singing their territorial songs
6 And because also that it was er partly the , the directors ' money that was being poured into it at that time , we knew all these things , and they were expecting a , a return back from it .
7 The senior , Flying Officer Jimmy Coutts , was married to a farmer 's daughter and they were expecting an addition to the family at any moment .
8 ‘ We pulled back two goals and they were kicking the ball anywhere to keep us out . ’
9 His wife said from their Humberside in the UK : ‘ I spoke to Ricky on Christmas Day and they were cooking the mince pies .
10 ‘ Each time a memo was fired off and the problem was solved , but it only lasted a few days and they were using the extinguishers again , ’ he said .
11 Whenever she was early because there was a christening erm on and they were using the hall afterwards .
12 Almost before we 'd begun to really talk , visiting time was over and they were ringing the bell for everyone to leave .
13 Ratagan had procured beer for them from somewhere with magical ease , and they were supping the malty liquid from brimming tankards as they went .
14 The situation as we saw it was that there were no obvious leading firms er there were firms that had a particularly they were leaders in a particular niche markets for example 's being very aggressive , they were certainly nationally leading on insolvency and they were getting a lot of a lot of beneficial er publicity from that , locally we saw them er as erm th they were very good in the tax field and certainly in the consultancy field , having one of their major consultancy based in by the airport .
15 A meeting of university presidents was taking place in Beijing , prompted by student unrest in June ( which will be looked at in the next chapter ) , and they were considering the effects that ‘ Heshang ’ might have .
16 They were from Conway Construction and they were building the shops and the hotel .
17 The Crimean Tatars , however , were officially exonerated of the charge of disloyalty much later , in 1967 , and they were given no general right to return to their former homelands , not least because the territories they had left had now been settled by other nationalities .
18 The church had important links with the butchers of Prague and they were given the first chapel on the left at the W end in honour of their defence of Prague , once in 1611 against the troops from Passau , and again in 1648 , against the Swedes .
19 And they were given the information on on traffic relief er in the leaflet in more detail at the exhibition .
20 It was eight forty-five and they were nearing the church , passing now into one of the low tunnels that spanned the canal .
21 When Mrs Hollidaye had finished her praying and they were leaving the church , she stopped at the back and showed Dot a book with writing in it .
22 Someone , somewhere had opened a door into Hades — and they were hearing the torment of the damned .
23 About a year later one of the boys met an old lady who lived not far from the pond and they were discussing the strange happenings when the lady said , ‘ I can tell you a bit about it , ’ and she then proceeded to tell them about the crazy motorcyclist .
24 I remember Glyn and the kids were very young I think some of the were born in Blaenau erm and they were dismantling an old quarry at there his brother W R from Harlech had bought it usa like a machinery merchant and Glyn then borrowed a lot of tools off me for dismantling it then we started we we 'd done a lot off and on together we 'd been in er I enjoyed working with him , he was the type of man very hard worker himself but he wanted his pound of flesh .
25 And so and we were bringing in deals and they were phoning the clients back and saying , Look yeah great alarm systems blah blah we have an alternative one cheaper .
26 They they began laying their hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit .
27 The apostles came down to Somaria , they laid hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit .
28 When sa , they began laying hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit .
29 And so we see there in verse seventeen , that they began laying their hands on them and they were receiving the Holy Spirit .
30 Great Big had found some dandelion wine and they were passing the bottle round .
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