Example sentences of "[coord] hold [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These can be mounted on a stand or held in the hand , and are available in both electret and dynamic types and with both ‘ omni ’ and ‘ uni ’ pick-up patterns .
2 By half emptying one of the sacks onto the floor of the van he found he could drag it with his right hand and hold onto the box with his left .
3 Harry Fischer comes out of his room in his shirtsleeves , hoisting his braces up with one hand , and holding in the other some letter or Ministry circular which has arrived in the morning post , and which he reads mockingly aloud to evoke their common derision at the obtuseness and bureaucracy of the world outside the office .
4 iii ) The most recent pilot course has been the first Post-Graduate Diploma course in Interpreting Training Techniques , funded , like the other pilots , by the Nuffield Foundation and held at the Polytechnic of Central London in 1989 .
5 As their eyes met and held across the coffee-table , Ronni felt a sudden sharp frisson go through her .
6 The couple , who were arrested on Monday night in a raid on a bungalow in west London and held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act , will both appear before magistrates at Arbour Square today .
7 The pair claimed their human rights were breached when they were arrested and held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
8 Fields which may be frequently accessed may be designated key fields by the database administrator and held on the index , to facilitate this easy access .
9 The ion exchange resin beads have the ability to exchange sodium ions held on the resin , for the calcium and magnesium dissolved in the water , so that after passing through the resin bed the water contains non hardness forming sodium slats , the calcium and magnesium having been removed and held on the resin .
10 The neckguard was solid and beaten out of two sheets of metal and held to the cap by two riveted leather hinges with metal reinforcing bars .
11 But it was old and held to the post with bits of string in proper agricultural fashion .
12 He set out on a surging run for goal and held off the challenge of Moore and Benali before sending a low shot past Stejskal .
13 Other CDS members to be arrested and held in the capital , Malabo , were José Antonio Dorronsoro , a former planning official , José Luis Nvumba , former director-general of the Ministry of Justice , Arsenio Bacale and Celestino Molongua .
14 Pieces of material much longer than the vice jaws should be gripped between two wood strips and held in the vice with the addition of a G-cramp or screw at each end ( fig.2 ) .
15 I prefer to gather mine on my fingers until they are full , and then transfer it onto the iron stake positioned at the end of the net and held in the crook of my left arm .
16 The stored program concept , the realization that instructions can be encoded and held in the store of the computer together with the data being operated on , is an important one for two reasons .
17 Balor had fallen headlong and was lying on the forest floor , one foot caught and held by the root of a huge old ash Tree that protruded from the ground .
18 Many carried Fusil Gras rifles , usually resting on a shoulder and held by the barrel , or horizontally across the back of the neck supporting both arms .
19 I was too drunk and , as Broussac disappeared into the darkness , Capote and myself were seized and held until the night watch arrived .
20 At the delivery of the near contract , the index basket of shares was bought and held until the delivery of the middle contract .
21 The cigarette , tip turned in towards the palm , is brought down from the mouth in an exaggerated arc and held behind the back .
22 It is likely that John was responsible for rebuilding the keep of Durham Castle , and the Crown in 1378 appointed him to carry out works at the castles of Carlisle and Roxburgh , the latter in Scotland but held by the English from 1346 until 1460 .
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