Example sentences of "[coord] begin [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the candidate seems settled in for the day stand up and help him/her with their coat , or begin to walk towards the door .
2 Peering out a few seconds later , Manville saw him turn and begin to stroll down the street .
3 When cells leave the basal layer they cease to divide and begin to mature into the tough dead cells that cover the surface .
4 In their second year these children become able to walk , they leave the hut and begin to participate in the life outside .
5 However , if you pursue the associations and begin to delve into the latent content , what you often find is that those day 's residues , which are specific to that day , as Theresa was saying , relate to more general erm situations , or indeed to things that actually happened in the past which that particular aspect of that particular day might remind you of .
6 They saw him leave the room where they were sitting and begin to walk across a bar which lay between it and the entrance to the building .
7 They walk up the cleft in the hills beside the stream and begin to climb above the valley .
8 As you gain experience and begin to think about a first cross-country , local soaring provides a golden opportunity to check the compass for large errors and to get some practice at turning on to definite headings .
9 Just as certain behavioural habits develop , such as vomiting after every meal , so women with bulimia can develop habitual thoughts and begin to think in a bulimic way .
10 Material from the rest of the cloud globule continually falls into the embryonic sun , building up further mass , pressure and temperature , soon reaching thousands of degrees centigrade and beginning to glow like the T Tauri stars ( glowing clouds of dense cosmic dust ) , which astronomers now think are the typical intermediate link between the dark globules and fully formed stars .
11 And in the ridgeway hedges on the last lap before home , the wild damsons are perfectly ripe and beginning to drop from the trees .
12 The wind came so swiftly that within half an hour we were reducing sail , taking water over the deck , and beginning to lumber into a building seaway .
13 To these reluctant Dutchmen the invasion was a liberation , and even the weather matched their joy ; the sun was climbing into a cloudless sky and beginning to burn of the mist which still clung in the leafy valleys .
14 Spain , its two kingdoms brought together by the dual monarchy of the Catholic Kings , Ferdinand and Isabella , and beginning to benefit from the riches of the New World , was emerging out of its previous isolation and preoccupation with internal affairs to become one of the two dominant powers of Europe .
15 Pulling them from under some old blankets , she sat down on the bed and began to leaf through the pages : photographs fell out , battered , uncherished , not stuck-in — this was no lovingly tended relic .
16 My presence disturbed them and they flew screaming about me for many minutes until they tired and began to settle on the dark water .
17 As his boss turned away and began to stride down the corridor , Dexter noticed a wary look slither into Pargeter 's eyes .
18 That wo n't give anything away , ’ cajoled Deana , and it was at that moment that an open-topped , low-slung dark red sports car purred to an impatient halt directly in front of the foyer 's big glass doors and the unmistakable silhouette of Tom Russell sprang with athletic grace from behind the wheel and began to stride across the cement footpath towards the entrance .
19 He clenched his teeth , pulled back his shoulders and began to stride up the road .
20 They finished a rendering of a Burns song and then the flautist put down his flute and began to sing in a fine baritone voice .
21 When the others returned , bringing the extra equipment , he took a field radio , stepped outside and began to transmit to the Hercules that was still circling around above them somewhere .
22 ‘ Well , that cuts them out of my book , unless , of course , they 're entertaining , witty , rich , and — ’ Here he turned and began to march from the room , saying , ‘ have the sense to appreciate my worth . ’
23 He and a friend separated from the others and began to move towards the car .
24 Coleby grunted and began to move towards the door .
25 Other guests now rose to leave and the two English envoys got up and began to move amongst the different groups .
26 Caught between no less than three armies the Chaos hordes faltered and began to charge in every direction , bewildered and confused by this new turn of events .
27 Lucenzo moved away and began to complain to the catering manager , breaking into the man 's spirited singing of an Italian opera .
28 A British engineer in the Kensington exchange came jolting out of his chair and began to search for a ‘ lock ’ on the transmitting number .
29 Here they also found the values of the market place , which stressed personal independence and self-gratification , and began to search for a sexual fulfilment which , Shorter .
30 Then he took out a book from his desk and began to search for a name .
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