Example sentences of "[coord] only a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them took great satisfaction in provocative statements of their position : there is no such thing as law , they said , or law is only the prediction of what the courts will do or only a matter of what the judge ate for breakfast .
2 Even when the lexemes are the same , they may be used very differently in address and reference ( see e.g. Beck , 1972 : 290ff for Tamil usage ) , or only a sub-set of the reference terms may be used in address .
3 The World Bank reckons that on most measures of welfare it ranks down with much of sub-Saharan Africa , and only a bit above Haiti .
4 The pupil is very large and only a portion of the iris is present , so the eye appears dark in colour .
5 It contains a sensible stimulus , a great deal more federal spending , an energy tax , a guarantee of higher income tax for people and companies and only a promise of future spending cuts .
6 Rock is n't the art form of the chattering classes and only a minority of its practitioners have any expertise in elucidating a rigorous conceptual rationale for their work .
7 Bournville , the community that has grown up around Cadbury 's Birmingham factory , is widely regarded as a company town , although from its foundation it has been open to people who do not work for the company and only a minority of the residents now have any link with Cadbury 's .
8 It should be stressed that this complication is rare , and only a minority of cases go on to develop long-term problems .
9 This has been recognised in particular by UK companies , and only a minority of large UK companies do not now use graphical means of data presentation in their corporate annual reports .
10 With no food and only a couple of bottles of Lucozade in the car , she knew that if the delay lasted much longer , her blood glucose could fall to such a dangerously low level , that she risked slipping into a diabetic coma .
11 The vegetation was covered in snow , and only a couple of Arctic and one pomarine skua flew past .
12 Siemens Nixdorf is in as bad a way as IBM , and only a couple of years behind Bull , and that simply because the German public sector still has n't realised it 's crazy to pay $50,000 or more per MIPS for computing power .
13 There are no parrots in Madame Bovary or Bouvard et Pécuchet , no entry for PERROQUET in the Dictionnaire des idées reçues ; and only a couple of brief mentions in La Tentation de saint Antoine .
14 Even in these circumstances project support would still in all cases be cheaper than hospital care , and in four cases cheaper than residential care ( and only a proportion of these clients would have been considered eligible for residential care ) .
15 Indeed , competition may be so fierce that pricing is based on a Contribution basis , that is , covering variable costs and only a proportion of the business ' fixed costs .
16 Because of the growth in the number of applications , the fall in the value of Research Council grants , due to inflation , etc. , and the consequent reduction in their absolute numbers , only Alpha-rated projects have any chance of receiving funding , and only a proportion of such proposals are successful .
17 The it must be part and only a part of an integrated transport system , not only for the South East but the Country as a whole .
18 The tragedy of the whole affair becomes so pathetic as we realise that Coleen does love him and only a delay of post cost him his life .
19 Easily Accessible : Greenrigg Hotel is situated at the foot of the Caldbeck Fells and only a mile from the Cumbrian Way in the more northern and in summer , less crowded area of the Lake District .
20 When the 3 weeks were up and the Scraggs returned , we looked for other accommodation and found a flat in Riccarton , close to Hagley Park and only a mile from the city centre , and we liked it so much we stayed for four weeks having intended two .
21 The findings for initial ( L ) are given in figure 4.3 : as the total possible score is 200 ( for maximum incidence of dark [ l ] ) , these scores show a very marked preference for clear [ l ] in initial position for all groups with no significant differences , and only a tendency for the young females to increase in their clear [ l ] usage ( Owens , 1977 ) .
22 For the twentieth-century facts were that they were a small , oppressed , poor and exploited people , in thrall to the then all-mighty English , and their sole singularity was the Welsh language and only a quarter of them spoke that .
23 It is Maria Bertram , whose moral sense is dubious , who rejoices that the church at Sotherton ‘ is not so close to the Great House as often happens in old places ’ ( it is a full mile away ) , while the admirable Colonel Brandon 's Delaford in Sense and Sensibility 'is close to the church , and only a quarter of a mile from the turnpike-road , so ‘ t is never dull …
24 The French lost about 40 men , the English about 80 , and only a quarrel between the French commanders prevented a disaster .
25 It was clean , relatively well-furnished , and only a minute from the Gare du Nord , although the purple palm tree wallpaper took some getting used to .
26 And only a fraction over one in ten said they even fancied someone else , a survey for TV Times and ITV 's Wish You Were Here programme found .
27 This is limited because the light from the l.e.d. spreads out and only a fraction of it falls on the detector .
28 One must take account of the inefficiencies such as the fact that many muons fail to initiate fusions at all , they are produced in an accelerator that has to be kept running and only a fraction of the power input ends up in beams of muons and energy is expended in the motion of the neutrons and alpha particles produced in the fusion reactions .
29 ( An attempt to hold elections in November 1987 was called off when voters were massacred by Duvalierist gangs ; the subsequent poll , held in January 1988 , was dominated by Duvalierist candidates and involved considerable fraud and intimidation and only a fraction of the electorate participated — see p. 35697-98 ; 25698-99 . )
30 Both were sides of him , of course , not mutually exclusive , and only a fraction of the many-faceted man with whom she had fallen in love .
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