Example sentences of "[coord] only [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Before I knew what I desired , the desire itself was gone , the whole glimpse withdrawn , the world turned commonplace again , or only stirred by a longing that had just ceased .
2 French biologists ignored Darwin and only turned to a Lamarckian version of evolutionism in the 1880s .
3 Its use in self-defence is entirely secondary and only employed as a last resort .
4 A young girl who haunts the Feathers Hotel , a one time serving wench , and only seen by a very few .
5 In 1293 he was committed to the Tower for a second time , perhaps for misconduct in the service of Queen Eleanor , and only released for a second fine of 1,000 marks .
6 It was common form for converts who had led relatively blameless lives to condemn , as Newton did , ‘ the impiety and profaneness ’ of their unregenerate days ; but in his case there were the hard facts of his voyages in slave ships to the West Coast of Africa , on one of which he had been abandoned to his fate and only rescued through a combination of circumstances that indeed seemed to be almost miraculous .
7 This produced a defensive posture at the gateway to the system : admission was to be avoided if at all possible , and only used as a ‘ last resort ’ .
8 Unlike Virginia Woolf she did not seek ‘ new words and new methods ’ for women on earth , but only dreamed of a heavenly free-space .
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