Example sentences of "[coord] even [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most of us have seen a heart in one form or another , whether on television or in school or even at the butchers .
2 These could be where groundwater is pumped out for clean-up , or even at the US 's notorious Superfund waste sites .
3 Before the endoscopic era , the diagnosis was rarely made before operation or even at the time of operation and recurrent haemorrhage with a fatal outcome was common .
4 Not even poverty , for though by the standards of the middle classes all of them had modest incomes — except in such a paradise of labour as Australia in the 1850s where newspaper compositors could earn up to £18 a week — by the standards of the poor there was a vast difference between the well-paid and more or less regularly employed skilled ‘ artisan ’ , who wore a copy of respectable middle-class costume on Sundays or even on the way to and from work , and the ragged starveling who hardly ever knew where his , still less his family 's , next meal was to come from .
5 Each barcode , on a can of baked beans , a packet of biscuits , or even on the back of TODAY newspaper , is worth a different number of energy points .
6 you can ‘ Always look on the bright side of life ’ , or even on the runway for ice .
7 If extra figures are needed , they could be placed sitting on the grass or even on the bus roof .
8 Is there really no wood to be found on the way , or even on the mountain itself ?
9 The produce was brought to the station by a multiplicity of carts and wagons drawn by oxen , ponies , mules , camels , or even on the backs of elephants .
10 Both these plants are hardy and although not in the front rank of ornamentals , are worth growing in a large border or even on the bank of a stream or lake provided they are kept away from the wet margin .
11 It provides a way of helping to dismantle and correct oversimplified explanations where generalisations have been made from particular cases — or even on the basis of a single example — which clearly will not stand up to broader comparative investigation .
12 Instead , he had meals in his bedroom — or even on the stairs .
13 Though his kin , servants , and three former benefices were remembered dutifully enough , there is nothing of the wider , political world where he had made his fortune , scarcely more of his own diocese or even of the cathedral itself , before whose pulpit he sought burial .
14 Delay of this sort can also adversely affect the efficient conduct of government business ; but it is largely outside the control of either party or even of the courts themselves .
15 But in fact it is not necessarily the case that if each person votes , or decides , according to what he or she perceives as his or her personal interest or wishes , the outcome is the good of all or even of the majority .
16 All the same , it is far too early to say whether it is the vintage of the century or even of the decade .
17 And quite often those events are completely beyond the control of the child himself , or even of the adults around him .
18 Doubt is not primarily a question of particular faiths ( Should I believe this one or that one ? ) or even of the strength of faith ( Do I really believe this one or that one ? ) .
19 The point I 'm trying to get at sir is that erm it is none of it is in none of our interests , either the planning authorities or even of the developers , that if we were to erm find a strategic sites policy appropriate for this alteration , it 's in none of our interests that it should be confusing to the public or to the development industry as to how rare a thing this should be and how tightly directed it should be in geographical terms .
20 De Castelnau 's snap decision was one that in its fateful implications would affect not merely the course of the Battle of Verdun , or even of the war itself , but also the whole stream of subsequent French history .
21 Their use is also envisaged to evaluate a particular teaching approach , or even for the appraisal of individual teachers .
22 Would Hilbert have left his property to Bridget perhaps , or even to the Law Society ?
23 Some hon. Members believe that the Tories have got themselves into a spot of bother in Scotland , and we are not referring to the occasional by-election disaster such as occurred in Kincardine and Deeside recently , or even to the reduction of Scottish Tory representation in the House to the completely inadequate level of nine .
24 The time has come when the fact ought to be generally admitted that the amount of government … which is necessary to the welfare or even to the existence of a civilised community , can not permanently co-exist with the effective belief that deference to public opinion is in all cases the sole or the necessary basis of a democracy .
25 The man who entered a monastery did so , in principle , for life ; there were of course apostates ; there were also a number who moved on to a stricter way of life ; and a few who were promoted to abbeys elsewhere , or to bishoprics , or even to the papacy .
26 The characteristics which are common within a specialist collection of data may relate to the subject matter ( e.g. political opinion polls ) , to the time period ( e.g. historical social and demographic records ) , to the geographical coverage ( e.g. Northern Irish data ) , to the administrative units to which they relate ( e.g. New Town 's studies ) or even to the type ( e.g. spatially referenced data ) .
27 According to a Royal Bank spokesman , in April the focus of the scheme could shift to mortgages or even to the life assurance products sold by the bank 's insurance subsidiary , Royal Scottish Assurance .
28 The battle of Sentinum was the natural prelude to the battle of Pydna — or even to the destruction of Corinth and the Social War .
29 Some of the larger local authorities , as we have seen , are now appointing specialist advisers to the chief executive 's office , or even to the leader of the council , who can give advice divorced from the service-providing departments , but such posts are few and regarded with some suspicion by mainstream local government officers .
30 To treat them simply as statements of objective fact , to be proved or disproved by appeal to observation of the world around us , to the speculations and arguments of metaphysical philosophy , or even to the authority of the Bible understood as a collection of ‘ divine truths ’ , is to misconceive their nature and function .
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