Example sentences of "[coord] make [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You could also add things like a new porch or garage , improved security measures , or make improvements to interior decor .
2 Even among senior players , outside pursuits were tolerated only so long as they did not affect a player 's performance or make football of secondary importance to him .
3 So in in terms of looking at this criterion , can you also er include within your thinking process , the need for the er or the possibility that the development of a new settlement could actually be a positive enhancement of the environment or make use of derelict land .
4 Comparisons of the size of hands or feet often occur spontaneously , or are prompted by a visit to a shoe shop or making handprints in wet sand , wet footprints by the paddling pool and so on .
5 This can be done by using French technique , cutting a step or making use of natural easings .
6 Traditional foreign banking would involve taking deposits or making loans in domestic currency to non-residents of the country where the bank was located .
7 He would be able to visit libraries , museums and institutions all over Britain and make contact with other numerologists .
8 That is , they can draw on their account and make payments to other people in excess of the amount of money they have deposited .
9 This I feel sure , would change the attitudes of such players and make Seles in particular realise her responsibilities .
10 In such a case it may well be advisable to draw up the contract to cover stages that can be defined in this way and make contracts for succeeding stages conditional upon achieving agreed criteria of success for prior stages .
11 It could abandon its isolation and make deals with other parties — in which case it would contradict its own anti-party rhetoric and make itself indistinguishable from other parties .
12 A proper account of referential communication must grapple with the intrinsically reciprocal nature of conversation , not merely to satisfy the objections of sociolinguists but also to discover if a deeper analysis of discourse clarifies the procedures by which children use and make sense of verbal information .
13 Increasing calls from both sides to end domestic feuding and make resistance to Japanese encroachments a priority were resisted by Chiang until 1936 , when he was kidnapped and briefly detained by Chinese troops from Manchuria in Xian .
14 We will provide more resources for councils to deal with noise complaints and make compensation for excessive commercial noise more widely available .
15 If in doubt , the developer should check the levels of noise at different times and make enquiries with local people .
16 And make room for real people .
17 Under terms of the agreement , Broadview will contact potential acquirers to ascertain their interest in investing in , or acquiring Sequoia , will participate in negotiations on behalf of Sequoia , and make recommendations for possible transactions with potential investors .
18 Invite as many different spellings as possible as a spoken nonsense word : discuss the suggested spellings , decide which are the most likely , and make lists of real words which fit the pattern , e.g. Games like these demonstrate to children the relationship between sound and symbol which it is fundamental to understand in order to become a competent speller .
19 And make use of long wave .
20 Perhaps we should be getting back to the roots of organisations like the RA and footpath preservation societies in encouraging people to wander more freely and make use of neglected local paths .
21 Now , SCOTVEC verifiers work across all types of award , and make use of cognate group meetings to ensure that consistent standards are conveyed to centres .
22 Representation of those involved in these initiatives will be invited to present their main findings , summarise their research and make suggestions about future work .
23 Most classrooms have a wealth of materials such as sand , clay and wood , and make collections of natural things like shells , leaves and pebbles , all of which can form the basis of much free play and experiment .
24 From the client 's point of view the assessment provides an opportunity to express their difficulties in a structured manner , and make links between specific problems and various areas of their life , both past and present .
25 From this , one might hypothesize that education is important in developing the intellectual skills necessary to absorb and make sense of political material communicated by other media .
26 Teacher in role to challenge , to redirect and make sense of glib responses .
27 They are basic to the growing subject of computational linguistics , which aims to let computers talk and make sense of human language ; but before that arose , they proved invaluable for computer languages like Basic , Pascal and Prolog .
28 That was what it had been , what she had felt all along , she accepted a little later when she was in a state to sort and make sense of shocking new knowledge .
29 Indeed , one way of viewing the Newbolt Report is as the outcome of a bestowal by the state upon a civil association of the right to report and make recommendations on public policy .
30 He recognised that there was general resentment of the oppressive conduct of the Forest officers , and made provision for regular inquiries into it , and for presentment of Forest offences to be made at the attachment courts , as a procedure preliminary to the Forest Eyre .
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