Example sentences of "[coord] go on [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 Starting with the creation of the German night fighter force the author makes good use of eyewitness accounts from former Luftwaffe pilots , and goes on to portray a vivid account of what life was like serving on a night fighter unit .
2 The narrator ( of the Morgans ) is called Arthur and it is Arthur who survives the death of Philip and goes on to become a writer of some undefined kind on the model of David Copperfield and Great Expectations .
3 Cole adds that what actually happened when the Pioneers engaged in production was not what they had intended when they started their co-operative ; and goes on to offer a more detailed explanation : The Rochdale Manufacturing Society was set up in 1854 , Supposing that , as an expression of democracy , Co-operative principles are as valid for the producer working in the factory producing goods for sale in the Co-operative store as they are for the consumer buying them there , a newcomer to the story might find it surprising that the Pioneers ' belief is presented , if not itself as a matter for surprise , then certainly one for explanation .
4 She argues that they can constitute a new perspective for the social sciences and goes on to show a continuity with the anti-positivism and rejection of the knowing subject in structuralist and post-structuralist approaches to understanding .
5 I honestly believed Graeme Souness ' men would overturn their 42 first leg deficit and go on to win a tournament desperately lacking in class participants .
6 Their basic argument is that gender is all important when trying to understand the experience of women who become mentally distressed and go on to develop a more progressive and long-lasting mental disorder .
7 Partial calm was restored when the prisoners were released during the afternoon , but representatives of the Majlis continued to demand that those responsible for the attack be found and punished , and went on to declare a general mobilization of Crimean Tatars .
8 Once the news of the invasion reached New York , the UN Security Council quickly adopted Resolution 660 , condemning Iraq 's action , and went on to vote a further 11 resolutions on related matters by the end of the year .
9 Always in the leading group , McMahon pushed to the front before the last where he was challenged by the favourite Over the Edge , but keeping his mount perfectly balanced and running as straight as a gun barrel , McMahon found something left in the ‘ Tank ’ and went on to score a snug success .
10 THE Border Golfers ' Association , which began with the amalgamation of seven clubs in 1893 and went on to play a major role in the development of the Scottish Golf Union , will launch a season of centenary celebrations at Kelso on Sunday .
11 Bobby Neill , who won a British featherweight title in the 1950s and went on to play a significant role in the development of such top-class boxers as Alan Rudkin and Alan Minter , has said : ‘ … hungry fighters ?
12 In spite of his size , and like many big strikers , Dave was a sensitive fellow and pre-match tension was a real problem for him in his earlier days , but he overcame that worry successfully and went on to make a substantial and positive contribution to Palace 's return to the big-time , before moving to Derby County in a £400,000 deal in the spring of 1980 .
13 He did , however , and went on to become a leading citizen .
14 His brother Marshall Field , arrived three years later and went on to become a world legend as the Merchant Prince
15 A group called Simplicity was launched in Oxford and went on to become a national success .
16 He studied law at the Moscow State University , and went on to become a full Communist Party member two years later , in nineteen fifty two .
17 The novel Lust for Life by Irving Stone , published in 1934 , is the most famous of these productions , popularising a vein of interpretation established early in the century by some of Van Gogh 's first advocates , such as the taste-maker Julius Meier-Graefe , who defended Van Gogh in 1906 , and went on to write a book in his praise in 1921 called Vincent .
18 Mr Jefferson retired in 1976 and went on to help a friend with office work .
19 When John Fenwick Latimer started , he worked alone from an office above Dresser 's printing and stationery shop and went on to marry a member of that family , Miss Annie Jane Dresser .
20 As a child Susan used to turn the pages for pianists at the club 's concerts , and went on to get a music degree .
21 In Sacramento he began as an unworldly ideologue , but went on to become a pragmatist .
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