Example sentences of "[coord] go [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah I think at the onset of the strike there were a few people who were considered likely to be forced to get back to work or to go back to work , because of what they 'd said , because of well just you know because of what they say in the meetings or because of what they did n't say in the meetings .
2 Right now you come out or go up to red .
3 Possibly this is why the argument as to whether it is better for a woman with young children to stay at home or go out to work goes round and round in circles .
4 She would still invoke the aid of neighbours but would be more likely to take in lodgers or do homework in the form of sewing , for example , than use credit systems ( especially the pawnshop ) or go out to work .
5 Sometimes we go to university , or go back to university .
6 At that stage any pressure may be such a test for faith that the believer is faced with a choice : Give up or go back to square one .
7 Or go back to HQ , and try to think up a few lines of enquiry for the staff there to pursue — men and women looking progressively more unwashed and unkempt and incompetent as the small hours of the morning gradually wore on .
8 In order to fit and to go back to work on Monday morning .
9 He feels tired and goes straight to bed .
10 A major work in the field remains A Dictionary of British Surnames by P.H. Reaney , in which the relevant entry reads , ‘ Fursey , Fussey , Fuzzey , Forsey ’ , and goes on to instance John Forshay 1431 ( Dorset ) and Roger Fursey 1583 ( Surrey ) .
11 One advantage of Chinese celebrations is that they do not linger on , as everyone knocks off and goes home to bed at about 9 p.m .
12 Slightly irritated he thinks that there is something wrong with the lock and goes down to reception for assistance .
13 Between leaving school and going off to war with the Navy , he had worked on the Sharpness tugs for British Waterways .
14 WHILE a growing number of British companies are switching from petrol to diesel-engined cars to improve fuel consumption and cut costs , one company , originally at the vanguard of the diesel movement , has dumbfounded the experts by reversing its decision and going back to petrol .
15 Thursday dawned as dully as the day before and Fabia got out of bed and went through the routine of getting showered and dressed and going down to breakfast with a total lack of enthusiasm or appetite .
16 The demands of running a home , looking after my father and me , and going out to work , were too great .
17 but Reggie , Reggie will come in and go straight to bed , he 's been up since about quarter to four
18 But here we 've got the equipment and you can get the knowledge to learn and go on to university and learn it yourself really . ’
19 I had held on to Lili , and Syl had brought me home insisting that our mothers should stay and go on to dinner with Lili and Robert and the gallery owner as planned .
20 Creating these insurance to die is the number one need for financial independence , because we as doctors are going to spread the news with our modern lifestyles , because unlike the pneumonia patient you 're not going to recover and go back to work , unlike the , the heart transplant , as the heart transplant , or the heart attack or the cancer patient , maybe at our expense .
21 Tolkien too might think of the Norse legend of the ‘ Undying Lands ’ , the Odáinsakr : when King Hadding reached its boundary the witch who guided him killed a cock and threw it over the wall — a moment later he heard the cock crow before he himself had to turn away and go back to mortality .
22 The seven points relevant to the Godhead are that he is true ; that he is everlasting truth — " stedefast & sothefast " ; that Jesus is God 's Son and equal with his Father ; that the Holy Ghost came from both of them and is equal with them so that in God there are three aspects or powers ; that this Trinity is the source of all creativity : that all believers share in the sacraments and are the Church within which lies salvation ; that at judgement day all will rise up , body and soul together , and go either to hell or heaven depending on whether they have done evil or good .
23 The pupils of Ashcombe School , like the pupils of Dorking County Grammar , get good exam results and go on to university .
24 Yet the schools they attend are , on the whole , not as good in terms of status , teacher input and , sometimes , physical surroundings ; they make less use of the educational system beyond the compulsory school stage ; they are less likely to pass government examinations and go on to university ; and they are far more likely to end up in manual occupations , just like their fathers and mothers .
25 Ponyboy hopes he will finish school and go on to university , so that he can gain qualifications and lead a better life .
26 If so , ’ his voice thickened , ‘ let's go back to the hotel and go straight to bed ! ’
27 so he 'll , he 'll go straight , more or less down , have his tea and go straight to bed , so I 've got to go home and cook this
28 So I have a good breakfast and go back to bed .
29 But he was a most willing worker , and although she knew she was in for a tough day without him she offered her sympathy , and advised , ‘ Take an Alka-Seltzer and go back to bed .
30 Some examples : cut out paper towels and handkerchiefs — use washable fabric ones instead ; reject chemical scourers in favour of the traditionally effective baking soda ; and go back to wind-up watches and fountain pens to reduce the number of waste batteries and plastic pens .
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