Example sentences of "[coord] take [pron] into the " in BNC.

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1 I mean the main thing is people can borrow on the true price of the house and then they can have an 80 or 90 per cent mortgage and when they come to pay the mortgage they have the £500 subsidy for twelve months or take them into the next twelve months .
2 Of course , how this policy might be arrived at is an issue in its own right and takes us into the field of school-focused inservice work and curriculum development .
3 The 1973 Act extended beyond planning blight and takes us into the much broader area of the law relating to compensation .
4 He picks up the Business Section of the Times and takes it into the kitchen .
5 I 'm going upstairs and I 'm stripping her and taking her into the bath with me . ’
6 This would involve a small bus ferrying disabled shoppers from their homes and taking them into the heart of the town before returning them direct to their front door .
7 Mr McTavish , studying Nails closely , thought the boy was ill and took him into the kitchen and made him a cup of tea .
8 I was so frightened by the blind man 's violence that I obeyed him without question , and took him into the room where the sick captain was sitting .
9 And somebody was following , a colleague was following , saw it happen , stopped and helped him sort of do what you 've got to do to get the man 's address and this sort of thing , make sure the car was alright , and took him into the office .
10 He loped down into the basement , dusted off half a dozen bottles of beer and brought them up , found glasses and an opener and took them into the living-room on a tray .
11 Early this year my wife parked her car in the college car park , collected up books , yarns and accessories first and took them into the classroom .
12 Ross , the steward , appeared , commiserated that they were all soaked through and took them into the lounge .
13 It was a legacy that granted the fabled works of Gould their success , and took them into the forefront of nineteenth-century illustration .
14 ’ We stopped her and took her into the back room where we found she was n't fat at all .
15 At eleven she sent Gwenellen to take over temporarily and took me into the duty-room .
16 ‘ Soon after that a different Man came by car and he put me in a carrier cage and took me into the darkness of a long journey , over bumpy roads , on to a ship , and into the most terrible place of all , an iron cage with obscured windows , which raced through the night clattering and clattering , a regular rhythm of metallic sound .
17 One cottage I stayed in without electricity or water saw 11 of us standing eagerly over a one-ring Calor gas burner in the morning waiting for a kettle to boil for coffee , when one of our party came into the kitchen , picked up the kettle and took it into the bathroom to wash his face .
18 She swept up her empty plate and took it into the kitchen , and departed upstairs with her cup of tea to start on her coiffure .
19 Before it could , I cut the cord and took it into the ante-room .
20 A lay brother came over and took us into the abbey church to hear morning mass and , believe me , for the glory is now gone , the abbey church of Glastonbury was the nearest thing to heaven on earth .
21 The steward answered Agrippa 's insistent knocking and took us into the main hallway .
22 This powder could be added direct to the pond — fish root around in it , and take it into the digestive system , which it cleanses .
23 Prune out the stem and take it into the shed where you can sit down comfortably to prepare the cuttings — they will have to be made very carefully , and you will need a very sharp knife .
24 She indicated the glass of milk on the table and moved to pick it up and take it into the kitchen .
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