Example sentences of "[coord] would [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 What I done on that night was no more than any other police officer does or would do in the same situation .
2 When they were , by one LEA , advised about how to produce a management plan , they were told that there was probably " much information already in the school which would either be part of the plan or would help in the process of producing specific documents within it . "
3 The interpreter presents the message in the way the speaker does in his source language , and would do in the target language if he could .
4 On other occasions , she knew we were all going out before any preparations were made , and would sit in the hall gazing intently at her lead .
5 You could add a piece of cuttlefish bone , which is high in calcium , and would dissolve in the water .
6 They told him bluntly to go if he must but that they preferred more contemporary methods and would stay in the cabin preparing their equipment .
7 The modern or contemporary quarter of Intolerance would make an excellent film in its own right but even then the industrial scene would only be part of the scene setting and would fade in the memory as the hero passes from scene to scene in the ‘ picaresque ’ fashion of so many movies .
8 Over the following days , however , I came to learn not to be surprised by such remarks from my employer , and would smile in the correct manner whenever I detected the bantering tone in his voice .
9 Only a small proportion of our patients could and would participate in the study .
10 A sales tax would prompt border-hopping , tolerable in America but not in tiny Britain , and would fly in the face of EC moves towards greater harmonisation of indirect taxes .
11 The central bank 's annual report , released in February 1991 , showed that GDP had grown by 2.3 per cent in 1990 , but would slow in the 12 months to end-June 1991 as a result of an increase in oil prices and the loss of remittances from Iraq caused by the Gulf war .
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