Example sentences of "[coord] that [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If I may my Lord there is an issue that was raised in my learned friends reply er which er was a new point er and where I do take issue with him and this concerns the issue of the relevance of the directive here the , the issue relating to er whether or not the er Lloyd 's Act and the society have got any relevance in respect of the directive , his submission as I understood it , was that under article one , eight , nine the directive only addressed itself to states , to the British Government and that therefore the reliance on the directive by the society and in relation to the Lloyds Act was er a misconceived er reliance .
2 Yet essentially Whigs agreed that the hereditary succession had been broken by the Glorious Revolution and that henceforth the monarch had a Parliamentary title to the throne .
3 It was the second Unionist lever against Home Rule that helped to involve the King , for it assumed that Home Rule would become law , would be repudiated in Ulster , and that then the army would refuse to enforce it .
4 Erm , when we look at the environmental strategy , I always think that environmental strategies are common sense to people , and that sometimes the involvement of large organizations is sometimes counter-productive .
5 And they 're low to the ground , so the ground effect and that so the air can go over there , breaks up here and gets thrown off erm it 's just the air .
6 But officials say this was unconnected and that now the situation is calm .
7 argues that the state is an instrument to maintain the capitalist mode of production , and the other , a structuralist perspective , contends that the growth of state intervention may be generated by social and political pressures as well as the economic requirements of capitalism but that ultimately the scope for manoeuvre for the state is constrained by the requirements of the capitalist mode of production .
8 Roughly , unilateralism provides that the plaintiff must win if he or she has a right to win established in the explicit extension of some legal convention , but that otherwise the defendant must win .
9 in taxation but that still the peasant was , even though this might seem like quite a bit , the peasant was still in a better position than he had been previous because rents were at least thirty percent .
10 Er but is my honourable aware that employment prospects in Amber valley were devastated by pit closures mainly in the nineteen seventies but that now the area , but that now the area has some of the lowest unemployment in Europe , certainly lower than in Germany and the reason is mainly due to the success of new manufacturing businesses .
11 Er but is my honourable aware that employment prospects in Amber valley were devastated by pit closures mainly in the nineteen seventies but that now the area , but that now the area has some of the lowest unemployment in Europe , certainly lower than in Germany and the reason is mainly due to the success of new manufacturing businesses .
12 It was agreed the method of the selling of tickets for future occasions should be considered but that once the quota had been reached no further participants should be admitted .
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