Example sentences of "[coord] [adj -er] [conj] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For all his silence , he was passionate , not desolate ; if there was a sadness or loss there , it was bigger or deeper or stranger than the loss of one person .
2 The incremental cost of implementing either regimen ( US$0.08 per dose for OPV and US$0.35–0.50 per dose for IPV ) is similar to or lower than the cost of mass vaccination campaigns ( US$0.68–3.60 per dose ) , and would also be less than expansion of the routine immunisation schedule to provide even more doses .
3 A second would make it irregular for the start to be higher or lower than the finish by a factor of more than one metre for every kilometre of the distance .
4 The ABV of a beer may be similar to its OG — for example 3.6% ABV and 1036%degree ; OG but the ABV can be higher or lower than the OG according to the amount of sugar left in the finished beer .
5 Alternatively , a high SD indicates that more scores from the sample were substantially higher or lower than the mean .
6 Wrangham writes that in his observations the mounter could be either older or younger than the partner and that approaches were made in situations commonly lacking in social tension .
7 One can talk of an object presenting an appearance to an unoccupied point in space , and of the presentation appearance of an object itself being larger or smaller than the presentation appearance of another to that point .
8 In the example above , Smith would have a laterality coefficient of 0.20 while/ones would have a coefficient of only 0.14 It does not matter whether the score for the left side is larger or smaller than the score on the right since the sign of the coefficient , negative or positive , indicates the direction of any lateral advantage .
9 If one of a couple is disabled or older than the other , the couple will qualify for the higher amount .
10 If the temperature of the liquid is increased , more particles achieve the energy or higher and the rate of evaporation thus increases .
11 The impression I got was that Leeds started off REALLY well with a totally dominant mid-field , that West Ham started to make a game of it but that the weather got worse & worse and the game just degenerated .
12 But , it 's possible that , the same amount of drink , two people drink , taking the same amount of drink one is affected more badly than the other , or worse than the other .
13 Following the subject breakdown into the seven categories suggested by the SERC IT Directorate , it is possible to see whether employment chances were better or worse than the average , depending on IT course content .
14 When , on the other hand , a claim you are making looks overstated ( possibly unsustainable in its generalised form , or stronger than the evidence you have properly warrants ) , it is possible to tone down what you are saying by using indicators ( HEDGES ) that show you recognise the difficulty of certainty in the area .
15 They have to believe that there will be an advantage commensurate with or greater than the sacrifice that they are going to make .
16 Three cases of the conchoid arise : with the fixed distance less than , equal to or greater than the distance of A from the fixed line .
17 You can force a premature end to the loop by setting the control variable to a value equal to or greater than the end value ( assuming a positive STEP ) .
18 ( a ) The value of BIOLM and DIOLM should be equal or greater than the value for the defined number of database buffers .
19 The words mean the same things whatever they may be , so why should one be nicer or nastier than the other ?
20 If on your first day of testing you see a colour which is the same or darker than the reference colour given in the test , you should go ahead and have intercourse .
21 The inland areas became lower than the silty areas near the coast and lower than the river channels .
22 Parapets gradually grew lower and lower until the trench became little deeper than a roadside ditch .
23 A painting of a male head , which is almost certainly a study for the figure of the sailor that Picasso originally intended to place in the centre of the composition , while it is bolder and sketchier than a work like the Self-Portrait , shows all the earlier Iberian devices .
24 The golden catalpa C. bigonioides aurea has bright yellow oval leaves , and the flowers of C. speciosa are larger and frillier than the type .
25 The sides always seem thinner and shorter than the back .
26 Scotland 's major canals were built across the country to link the western and eastern coasts providing a route which was safer and shorter than the sea passage around the northern coast .
27 White Men Ca n't Jump is funny , touching and slushier than a wellington boot full of dog 's wee .
28 After the sober belches of the shoe-gazing clique ( itself a knee-jerk reaction to the brash swagger of baggydom ) , The Franks came across like circus clowns pissing around in a casualty department , all charmingly naive , astoundingly cheerful and dafter than a boardroom of brushes .
29 Although individuals vary widely , the bones of the average female skeleton are smaller and lighter than the male .
30 Although individuals vary widely , the bones of the average female skeleton are smaller and lighter than the male .
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