Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh adv] you [verb] n't " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , there might be a different reason altogether why you did n't get any offers , or why you did n't get the exam grades you hoped for .
2 We had to explain to them what a three-dimensional , you know , lock-up page was and why , you know , gutters were a certain width and if you had column rules and gutters , you know , why they were centered and why you could n't , if you had a wide margin below three columns of text why you did n't move the gutter beyond where the text was n't so white , or why you did n't move it down and have it join a rule here because it would have been a real pain in the arse to have to do that in metal , so you just sit and do it .
3 Cos you know she usually do if I have n't been round for a while she 'll say oh what 's the matter , have I done something wrong or why you have n't been round or Perhaps she thinks well it 's too far to come .
4 When you fall in love with someone new and it goes wrong you go and fetch an old lover and remember how much you loved him once and how you do n't any more and ca n't imagine what you saw in him , and then you feel better .
5 You know , erm , you know what sort of gross salary and you know and there was , you were holding back in a way erm tt and why you did n't wan na discuss your hobbies you know where you were losing it
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