Example sentences of "[coord] [Wh adv] [verb] n't [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I know but they did n't , he did n't suggest it to you or why does n't he say well there is this er er , you said that he did n't .
2 Right , so simultaneous why do n't you i why do n't you integrate this log Or why do n't you erm
3 Or why do n't you give mum the money and put it all through , no no I better not no .
4 or why do n't you have erm , get the girls to pay a percentage of the bill , get them to note down all the calls they make and work it out , that 's a way of doing it
5 ‘ Why is it called the Judge 's House ? ’ he said , ‘ and why does n't anyone want to live in it ? ’
6 And why had n't he left on the passage light ?
7 And why had n't I felt that shock of surprise I should have felt ?
8 And why did n't they just pad you — why did you have to put on weight specially for it ?
9 ‘ Document A. That the man , who was belligerent on several occasions at first , threatening the social worker called in by the Visitor , said it was no business of theirs as it was a family matter and that the girl 's father , his own brother , had given his consent , and what more could you want , and there was no higher authority than that , and no wonder there was so much crime on the streets if the government took away the father 's power , and why did n't they do something about crime on the streets instead of invading people 's homes .
10 ‘ They wanted more details and I said it was a murder dammit and why did n't they do something about it and he said ‘ Another of those ’ and … well they must do something .
11 And why did n't they eat the fruit themselves ? ’
12 ‘ Jesus and why did n't they send the Devil ?
13 And why did n't you come straight home ? ’
14 And why did n't you tell me ? ’
15 And why did n't you come to me immediately ?
16 Yeah that 's right and why did n't you get the fries .
17 And when I came across people who told me I must be , at best , gullible to believe in metaphysics ( and why did n't I rejoin their random , meaningless reality ? ) , then I had invited them into my world .
18 Well , he said he was a writer , and I said I was looking for plays to invest in and why did n't he write one about his friend , and a couple of months later he 'd written something pretty splendid , had n't he ?
19 And why did n't he drop round to her flat in Hans Crescent for a drink after the show tomorrow ?
20 Once she 'd put the phone down on him the previous night she 'd regretted her skittish way with him , and , after a heart-to-heart with Marlin in which she 'd told him she wanted to go back to England , and he 'd replied that it would all seem different in the morning and why did n't she just take a pill and lie down , she 'd decided to call him back .
21 He would say she always did ask too many questions and why did n't she stay cool , tell him she loved him ?
22 I said I did n't think her opinion was worth very much : if that was the opinion she had of her husband then naturally he preferred someone who admired , loved , trusted and desired him , and why did n't she just go away ?
23 Of course , you 'd read of these places and screwed up your nose in disgust and said such things should n't be permitted , and why did n't someone else do something about it .
24 And why have n't you written anything ?
25 Mr Hurd said Mr Smith 's speech had been on a motion of no confidence he had not tabled : ‘ And why has n't he ?
26 Well and why do n't ya ?
27 And why do n't we have a bottle of champagne sent up ? ’
28 And why do n't we just change our name to New Morrissey Express and be done with it ?
29 OK , so why 's he on the cover , and why do n't we just change our name to New Morrissey Express and be done with it ?
30 If it 's a problem with numbers and why do n't we extend the numbers on the panel ?
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