Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [adv prt] in the " in BNC.

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1 Events seen on the television the might before , or read about in the day 's newspaper , or relayed as they happen to police stations throughout the province over the MSX machine , naturally facilitate talk on sensitive topics or cam be used as contextually related props to achieve the same end .
2 remove or tamper with the Trade Marks or other means of attribution or identification used on or in relation to the Licensed Products use the Trade Marks in any way which might prejudice their distinctiveness or validity or the goodwill of therein use in relation to the Products any Trade Marks other than the Trade Marks and the trade marks of and MacEnglish as set out in Schedule 2 B or used by in the Territory any Trade Marks or Trade Names so resembling the Trade Marks or Trade Names of as to be likely to cause confusion or deception .
3 Small comfort for those languishing in the prisons or holed up in the hills , one suspects , but their toils have been translated into the stuff of great writing — Gabriel Garcia Marquez , Mario Vargas Llosa and Graham Greene have , in different ways , picked over the moral and political wreckage of Latin America , and you feel it needs writers of their calibre to make sense of it .
4 If you put him on a wyvern there is a temptation to spend half the game flitting about behind the enemy lines or stuck up in the air .
5 At the most analytically simple , the difficulties remain as unexplored discrete entities or black boxes , which then have to be removed or steered round in the formulation of a conservation project or policy .
6 ‘ Results ’ shall mean any inventions designs computer software reports drawings or other works and information made or generated under in the course of work on the Project .
7 Do not let foals get cold or wet out in the field .
8 It should be a fair , sensible and practical code , be well publicised — and to help shame misusers and lend muscle to the squashed , intimidated , or left out in the rain , and be posted in each bothy .
9 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
10 No decisions have yet been taken on which newspapers will be sold or closed down in the UK .
11 The Trust is fortunate that its regional structure was conceived and laid down in the 1971 Act of Parliament .
12 These points were then totalled and posted up in the staff room , and at the end of the year those at the bottom of the list were dismissed .
13 He had the roads to Ruthyn and Denbigh under his eye from this eyrie , and Mold was not too far for a raid if the weather and the omens were good ; but since his active autumn of last year he had contented himself with holding and consolidating , and swooped down in the occasional raid along the border only to keep his hand in for greater things if the season should indicate the necessity .
14 Once the interlining has been locked in , the two layers of fabric can be treated as one and made up in the same way .
15 Mr Hutchinson managed to raise the alarm but the two men helped themselves to the cash and made off in the car driven by Wishart , of no fixed abode .
16 LUKE PARKED HIS Chevrolet Celebrity on the fifth floor of the studio carpark and rode down in the elevator with two minor executives in tracksuits who were discussing the latest records broken by ‘ 'T IS He Whose Yester-evening 's High Disdain ’ .
17 The thorny question of divorce was discussed and argued out in the frankest tones .
18 They broke through the upper windows and tumbled down in the middle of us .
19 They 've been to bed and got up in the morning , and now they 're going off and doing things , like going to work and that .
20 She unlocked the door and got back in the shower .
21 Complex carbohydrates are best taken regularly throughout the day so that the glycogen is steadily replaced and built up in the muscles .
22 He touched the American 's elbow and moved off in the direction of a single Ming vase standing on a pedestal nearby .
23 She pushed the gate further open and peered round in the twilight .
24 He opened the little back gate and peered around in the dark for the shelter .
25 Many 's the night I 've walked back late from town and stopped off in the New Earswick hedgerows to supply them some used beer …
26 He took no notice , but turned in and drew up in the courtyard .
27 She hailed it , gave the Chinese driver her address in a monotone , and sank back in the air-conditioned interior , staring at the white skyscrapers below .
28 Caroline freed it carefuly , rose from the bed , and sank down in the chair beside it .
29 ‘ I have had a long chat with Stephen and told him I know that he is knocking at the door of the full international side , but I would rather he played and helped out in the match at Tannadice than did nothing at Ibrox . ’
30 When the horses , being bridled to lead them to safety , panicked and lashed out in the dark , threatening to do worse harm to the buildings than the wind would , it was his father who forced his way between them and dragged out the pair who were causing most trouble .
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