Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [to-vb] through the " in BNC.

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1 When they declined to do as requested and sought to push through the police cordon , the appellants were arrested , and later convicted of obstructing the police in the execution of their duty .
2 Instead Rosa waited in church before the eleven o'clock Mass , in the side chapel of the Madonna of the Spasm , and tried to pray through the minutes that seemed to haul themselves onwards through time as if anvils were strapped to their feet .
3 She twisted herself and tried to see through the buckled plate again .
4 She closed her door quietly , regretting not leaving the Polo on the road , and tried to sneak through the back way to her room .
5 Ears ringing , he recovered himself and turned to peer through the reek .
6 I whipped the key out and turned to run through the Square only to find Shifty-Eyes standing blocking the pavement .
7 Pulling them from under some old blankets , she sat down on the bed and began to leaf through the pages : photographs fell out , battered , uncherished , not stuck-in — this was no lovingly tended relic .
8 Anna turned , saw me waving , and began to amble through the line of cars with her nose n the air , looking entirely unconcerned about her own and everyone else 's safety .
9 Madeleine picked up a pair of pinking shears and began to slice through the material .
10 She swept past his outstretched hand and began to hurry through the arrivals hall , only stopping to look back at him over her shoulder to see if he was following her when she reached the automatic doors .
11 They sat down and started to look through the movie tapes , Zambia interjecting the odd question here and there .
12 She unzipped the bag and started to dig through the tangle of clothing for her soap case .
13 Elizabeth Titford , the mother , must have needed a bit of Christian faith herself as she grew older and struggled to live through the hard times which were a mark of the 1820s with its long and painful inflation .
14 Garvey stopped the pageant and went to peer through the grille .
15 It was slightly damp not in patches but all over as if it had been soaked in water then wrung out and left to dry through the night .
16 Mrs Thatcher , on the other hand , claimed that previous Tory leaders had agreed on the country 's problems and what needed to be done — cutting public expenditure and direct taxation , reforming the unions , and restoring the incentives and financial disciplines of the free market — but failed to carry through the policies .
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