Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're confronted on the phone by someone you 'd rather not speak to , or asked to name a price or give information you 're not ready to give , then always ask if you can call back later .
2 I argue that the alternative formulation situates jobs in a general theory of social structure , whereas the sociology of the professions has either been confined to ‘ middle range ’ theorising and ignored this problem or sought to bridge the gap between jobs and the social order by empirical statements based on implicit and ( therefore ) ill-formulated theories .
3 When Bovet won the prize it was noted that he had never taken out a patent in his own name or sought to make a penny from the commercial expoitation of his research .
4 James either ignored or failed to notice the undercurrent of mockery in Peter 's voice .
5 The punishers were determined on the basis that when Olwyn produced the PB or failed to produce the CB a disincentive must be provided .
6 It could however intervene if any of the following defects were present : if the agency relied on factors which Congress had not intended it to consider ; failed to consider an important aspect of the problem ; offered an explanation which ran counter to the evidence before the agency ; was so implausible that it could not be sustained ; or failed to provide a record which substantiated their findings .
7 The applicant sought relief on the grounds that ( 1 ) at the time the coroner took his original decision there was considerable evidence before him that the death would not have occurred but for delays experienced by the deceased 's family in contacting the ambulance service and later delays by the ambulance service in responding to repeated calls by the police for an ambulance to come to take the deceased to hospital as a matter of urgency ; ( 2 ) in reaching the conclusion that an inquest was unnecessary the coroner had misdirected himself in law for the reasons , inter alia , that ( i ) section 8(1) ( a ) of the Coroners Act 1988 required a coroner to hold an inquest where there was ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the deceased had died a ‘ violent or unnatural death ; ’ ( ii ) there had been clear and uncontradicted evidence before the coroner that avoidable and culpable delays by the ambulance service might have been the reason why the deceased 's asthma attack , which could have been treated in hospital , proved fatal , giving rise to a ‘ reasonable cause to suspect ’ that the cause of the deceased 's death was ‘ unnatural ; ’ and ( iii ) against that background , the coroner had erred in law in treating the pathologist 's conclusion as conclusive and had either misdirected himself as to the meaning of ‘ unnatural death ’ in section 8 of the Coroners Act 1988 or failed to apply the law properly to the facts of the case .
8 Such accommodation can often be let on a long lease or sold to raise a capital sum .
9 This rather convoluted question fits a particular pattern which it is useful to familiarise yourself with : ( a ) a quote captures a general perception ; then ( b ) you are asked about some other writer ( or invited to select a writer ) where it is plausible to think the quote may be relevant ; then ( c ) you are asked to discuss this second writer in the light of the quote .
10 Ward had not lied or misled anyone about the nature of the payment or tried to conceal the money he had received .
11 This did not mean that they were wholly resistant to new ideas — that was clearly not the case because many spoke of the helpful advice and information given on the farming , nutrition , health and child care programmes — but they seemed to resist anything which either conflicted with views they already held or seemed to have no relevance to their experience .
12 The village was almost deserted : only the old stayed behind — some were too sick or weak or crippled to climb the path to Jimale .
13 Either the movie director was blind , or wanted to do a remake of ‘ the Albino Spud-U-Like From Hell ’ !
14 And when he felt he could n't walk another step , or wanted to question the wisdom of setting off down an unlit passage , he could always say Elaine 's so tired or Elaine 's a bit nervous .
15 For the first 25 years of my life I was convinced that everybody was either writing or wanted to write a novel .
16 Because of the association between ‘ peace ’ and ‘ quiet , ’ there is a natural tendency to suppose that a breach of the peace is ‘ any behaviour that disturbed or tended to disturb the tranquility of the citizenry . ’
17 The officer who investigated the accident said he found no tyre marks , suggesting that Rose Patterson , who was driving , had n't even braked or swerved to avoid the back of the lorry .
18 On four occasions the appellant accosted a woman in the street , threatened her with violence , on three occasions carrying a knife , and stole or attempted to steal the victim 's purse .
19 The overwhelming majority of Scottish cases related to one of four offences : conduct likely or intended to cause a breach of the peace , obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his or her duty , criminal damage or breach of bail conditions ( Wallington , 1985 : 150 ) .
20 The American-born former wife of the Scottish peer denies three counts of doing acts tending or intended to pervert the course of justice .
21 Surveys showed that ninety-three per cent of Canterbury 's tourists visited or intended to visit the Cathedral .
22 It is particularly vulnerable to claims that it is acting abusively in a particular market , and must avoid discriminating between its competitors or using its market dominance in a manner which can be construed as unfair or intended to eliminate a competitor or competition .
23 If it can not be shown that the person uttering the remarks intended to induce his victim to believe that he was about to engage in violence himself , or intended to provoke the object of his remarks into using unlawful violence , what will be termed here the objective conditions come into operation .
24 We travelled first by boat , and planned to spend the night at a hotel on the other side of the lake .
25 He took two pals along with him for company and planned to spend the time snapping rare African wildlife .
26 ‘ We are not trying to rip people off and planned to put a sticker on the records saying they were recorded 10 years ago .
27 In 1884 Queen Victoria published More Leaves from a Journal of our Life in the Highlands , dedicated to John Brown , and planned to publish a memoir , a ‘ Life of John Brown ’ , but the household managed to prevent it .
28 I filled a notebook with names and stories about the Revolution and planned to write a book in which all my favourites would appear .
29 Garner 's , which won permission to develop the site in 1985 , built 22 bungalows and planned to develop the rest of the site in the same way .
30 Recent heavy capital expenditure coinciding with the extreme tightening of credit facilities had created a liquidity crisis and led to share the group 's share price falling to a low in January of A$3.30 on the Australian Stock Exchange .
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