Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Not once had any man ever made her so mad … or roused her to such passion , a tiny treacherous voice whispered inside her head .
2 You may have thought you already knew all this , but it is hard to think of anyone who has put the case as plainly , or elucidated it with such concrete examples .
3 Or rubbed it on each other , rather .
4 Attendance , indeed , would not have cost Britain anything or compromised it in any way , since unlike the meeting called to consider the ECSC , participants at Messina were not required to accept the principle of supranationalism in advance .
5 Uncle Hilbert , however , was only just sixty , very hale and hearty , still very much in practice as a solicitor , and Lewis could not imagine stepping into his shoes , nor did he in those days think it very nice to anticipate such things .
6 Gaveston opened a door in the far wall and led them down some steps , dimly lit by torches fixed in iron brackets .
7 A man with a great bunch of keys joined us and led us down some steps to a doorway marked ‘ Luftschutzraum ’ .
8 He pulled the sheets aside and led us down some steps .
9 I went to visit him at the Benedictine monastery at Nashdom and asked him for any insights which he could give me from his experience in Accra .
10 The woman was shocked when QC William Crawford put his hands on her waist and pecked her on both cheeks .
11 They took their toys to The Priory Church of England School and sold them to each other to help the starving in Somalia .
12 ‘ I 'm sorry I ran and got us into this mess .
13 It achieved temperatures over a million degrees and sustained them for several milliseconds .
14 Lord Hulton was a devotee of May and Baker 's Propamidine Cream and used it for all minor cuts and grazes in his cattle .
15 Hollins , a cotton broker who was ignorant of the fraud , bought it from B and resold it to another person , receiving only broker 's commission .
16 But we have consciously searched for the poor in spirit , and found them in many different situations .
17 He suddenly thought of the hat she had lost , searched for it , and found it among some leaves on the ground .
18 Paraded in my immaculate " dhobied " drill I presented myself to my commanding officer who glared at me , and dismissed me with these words : " I am astonished that you have the gall , Mahaddie , to apply for a pilot 's course … if anyone is foolish enough to ever recommend you , you would only kill yourself , and probably others , Good day ! "
19 Alice quickly took the key and tried it in all the doors , but oh dear !
20 These entities are placed on Earth to manage coincidences in such a way as to inch us gradually along the evolutionary path and , while on Ketamine , Lilly was able to communicate with these extraterrestrials , who informed him that they had removed DNA samples from Earth and transported them to another planet .
21 She latched on to the rodent 's peanut-sized brain and filled it with enough extraneous material to qualify him as a genius in rat terms .
22 He could mend any broken toy , and make things too — I remember he made a great big rocking-horse for Hilary , and painted it in all sorts of marvellous colours .
23 She was silent and acquiescent , however , so he climbed in and drove her round several blocks , just for the joy of it , taking the sharp corners so fast that her tyres shrieked in protest .
24 On another occasion , a lovely lady called Elsa who came to tidy my room , and who was from a South American country , took me into her confidence and told me about some of the problems she was facing .
25 Charles reproved her for rushing on ahead of his story , and told her about this Sergeant lurking within like a spider waiting for a juicy fly .
26 " Moustachio , " the US intelligence agent who had already visited him in February , returned.He met the Shah in the palace in Rabat and told him of all the dangers that the US systems would pose for him-lawsuits to find his money , congressional subpoenas and demonstrations .
27 Andrée spoke of Saint-Simon and compared him to some English memoirists ; she spoke of the astonishing variety of the classical French novel , La Princesse des Clèves , Adolphe , Les Liaisons Dangereuses .
28 And yet … the thought crept back just before she drifted off to sleep … it had been rather nice that he had actually noticed her in the past , and noticed her to such an extent that he was now in a position to compare the woman she 'd become to the girl she 'd once been .
29 It was in light of this experience of priests who were barely capable of understanding the Latin Vulgate and Mass , or who juggled with a text and expounded it in such a way as to obscure its original meaning , that Tyndale now decided to translate the New Testament into English ‘ because I had perceived by experience , how that it was impossible to establish the lay-people in any truth , except the Scripture were plainly laid before their eyes in their mother-tongue ’ .
30 It was n't just Frank they were looking for , if they had n't shot him already and buried him in some bog .
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