Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the larger establishments there were restaurants , theatre , gardens and fountains , a sports stadium , rest rooms and large halls where poets and philosophers exchanged views and authors gave lectures or read their latest works .
2 Gibbon records that on the day of the decisive battle a ‘ violent tempest ’ blowing in the faces of the defending Romans ‘ disordered their ranks , wrested their weapons from their hands , and diverted or repelled their ineffectual javelins ’ .
3 If you have an interesting story to tell , whether you 've built your own house or dug your own pool , write to the Editor at the address on the opposite page , and if we publish it , you could get a cash reward !
4 So she gave up , and sat between the vines in the hot sun , alternately sleeping and working her way through the dusty volumes of Peregrine Pickle , bound in crimson and gold leather , with real bookworms making agitated forays from their dark crannies into the heat and light across the extraordinary scenes where Smollett 's elderly ladies retained their urine indefinitely to put out putative fires , or sweetened their foul breaths with violet cachous to deceive desired young lovers .
5 Nobody who had looked at the bald bullet-head and roly-poly self-confidence of the visitor , or heard his folksy repartee , could fail to have been reminded of an American grass roots politician on tour .
6 I am more than happy to pay tribute to those gallant and courageous civil servants who led or followed my hon. Friend on that exciting detour on the continent .
7 Because respectable England , being what it was , did not want to be waited upon by gangling adolescents with spots , nor to have itself paged by unmodulated voices that were just breaking , and youths in such positions invariably got the push when they grew out of the uniform , or lost their boyish looks .
8 DROP : A player drops a ball when he has hit out of bounds or lost his original ball .
9 It was n't as if she wanted or needed his complete understanding .
10 But members of the review team claimed that the remedial measures ignored or misrepresented their main findings .
11 Where it was strong , it kept men and women on the land , in so far as the land could give them a living , or sent its excess population along the well-beaten traditional tracks of seasonal migration , like those which took the smallholders of central France to and from the building sites of Paris .
12 The lad 's prize was a silver shilling , the maids got a shilling and a kiss , and Mrs. Jarrett — well , for one terrified minute she thought she was due a kiss , too , but instead she had a stately one-round waltz on the meadow with the master , while everyone else laughed 206 or cheered or sang their own idea of a waltz tune .
13 Indeed , many blacks were skinheads or formed their own crews , such as the Kilburn Blacks and the Kilburn Whites .
14 Visitors sent or brought him small gifts . ’
15 At school the ideal of womanhood was based on the assumptions of a different social class : woman 's life was service , the dispensation of charity , whether she was married and dependent , or earned her own living .
16 She gave me an extra pillow , kept me supplied with boiling bottles , brought me Vichy , and my meals on a little round table , actually produced a bottle of alcool camphre & frictioned me & gave me some lime flower tea before I went to sleep .
17 There is none of that apparently aimless wandering in short stretches , punctuated by frequent bends , going halfway round the compass to reach the next hamlet or village , which characterises the byroads in country that has never been in open field or left it several centuries ago .
18 It was untenable for us to continue to support and put energy into a political movement which in no ways respected or reflected our separate identity and struggle as Irish women .
19 A registered elector over the age of twenty-one may be a candidate if not disqualified , but in addition people may stand for election if they have occupied property , been resident or had their main place of work in the area for at least twelve months .
20 Or had her initial fears been merely a result of the disorder of mind induced by her very apparent hunger ?
21 Or had you other matters on your mind ? ’
22 Although he spoke English fluently he never completely mastered it nor lost his guttural accent .
23 Nor dreamed her light words echoed on the ear
24 She began to tremble , but although he must surely have known that she was not enjoying what he was doing , he said and did nothing to reassure her , nor gave her any sign of love or affection .
25 However , despite being raised a Catholic , Anne had no qualms about a Jewish marriage , nor did her open-minded librarian father and schoolteacher mother .
26 Nor did his pervasive conservatism of mind repel radicals in any altogether reliable way .
27 Upper Gumtree 's trainer had n't made the journey from Australia , and nor had his usual jockey : Canadian substitutes had been found .
28 Answer guide : The point here is that at the date of the balance sheet the business did not own the asset nor had it any right to its use as all that had happened at that date was an order had been placed which could easily be cancelled .
29 It was going to be a long night , as I also had to finish an already over-due essay on Swedish expansion in the seventeenth century ( it would have to be a goodish one , too ; an earlier remark — made in an unguarded moment during a methodically boring tutorial — ascribing Swedish territorial gains in the Baltic to the invention of the Smorgasbord with its take-what-you-want ethic , had not endeared me to the professor concerned ; nor had my subsequent discourse on the innate frivolity of the Swedes , despite what I thought was the irrefutable argument that no nation capable of giving a Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger could possibly be accused of lacking a sense of humour .
30 People whose parents or early carers have not enjoyed contact with infant bodies nor valued their bodily functions may find it difficult to enjoy either their own body and its sensations or the body of another .
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