Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [pron] [noun] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 If possible , try to relax , lie down or put your feet up , until the worst of the symptoms are over .
2 She wondered what they were saying about her , up at the top of the house , as she undressed and laid her clothes out before sliding under the duvet in her underwear .
3 She collapsed onto a stool and laid her head down among the bits of cotton wool and the sticks of greasepaint .
4 Rabbit-hunting farmer Vincent Caroggio of Chartres , France , paused for a rest and laid his gun down .
5 She seized his wrists , not gently , and clapped his hands on to her shoulders .
6 He opened it and plunged his hand in .
7 They crossed the beaten track , dodging between the heavy-wheeled carts , and led their horses down to London Bridge and into the welcoming warmth of the Piebald Horse tavern .
8 Doggett spurred away , followed by a reluctant Nosey , while Sharpe dismounted and led his horse back to the chestnut trees which grew at the road 's fork .
9 And he 'd be there once or twice and then on the Wednesday evening as was his custom , he went down to the village , he had a date with my mother and there she was standing by the shop in the square and when she saw him coming down she turned and said , , she said and swirled her skirts round .
10 They had got in through a cellar window at the back and made their way up to a small office on the third landing where , according to Cyril , the sole employee had been there man and boy until he became fossilized and had to be removed feet first from his station .
11 They slipped through a side door and made their way out via one of the postern gates of the palace .
12 They collected their horses and made their way out of the Tower into Petty Wales .
13 The rain was still falling as Corbett and his party reached London 's Aldgate and made their way down through Poor Jewry , Mark Lane , and into Petty Wales near the Tower .
14 Laughing and joking , they left their bags there and made their way down to the tap room where the landlord 's wife served them huge fish pies , the crust , golden and crisp , hiding a savoury sauce which dulled the flavour of the rancid fish .
15 Taking the plate gently from him she placed it in the sink , then checked the turkey one last time , turned the gas down as low as it would go and made her way up to bed .
16 ‘ Would you excuse me , please , James ? ’ she said , and made her way over to Martin without looking back .
17 For her life 's sake Chesarynth turned reluctantly and made her way back to the tutorial room .
18 She sensed their disappointment as she closed her book , and without looking at them , left the garden and made her way back to the beach .
19 She dropped her passenger in the centre of Anduze and made her way back to Roziac .
20 She clamped her jaws together and made her way back to her desk .
21 After he 'd gone she borrowed his bathrobe and made her way back to her own room to dress .
22 Folly reached for the towelling bathrobe that hung behind the door , and made her way out into the corridor .
23 No one even noticed her as she slipped out into the dance-floor , and made her way out down the rickety steps .
24 The constable closed his lips in a firm line and made his way through to the yard .
25 He picked up his drink and made his way over to them .
26 ‘ Hold her steady , ’ he told Gomez and made his way on to the cabin top .
27 Talbot stepped across the two gunwales — they were almost exactly of a height — and made his way up to the bridge .
28 Still holding the note-book , he crawled out of the hide and made his way down to the edge of the bigger of the two pools .
29 Everything seemed to be going well and Yurchenko was about to provide more useful information when , on 2 November 1985 , he eluded his CIA colleagues at a restaurant in Washington and made his way back to the Russian Embassy and thence to Moscow .
30 Corbett then turned on his heel and strode out of the room and made his way back up the alley .
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