Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Firstly , a hemisphere difference in the rate at which information is encoded and/or read out from some sensory representation of the stimulus should be revealed by a differential effect of masking in left and right visual fields since the presumed effect of the mask is to prevent any further processing .
2 The purchase of externally-sourced catalogue records ( e.g. from OCLC or VTLS ) would not be cost-effective , since so many of our records are unique , or shared only with other specialist botanical libraries not contributing records to these services — we would have to do it all again ourselves , and we lack the manpower resources to do this .
3 But the beats are divided or shared out into three .
4 I would have thought the labour market conditions are also a vital ingredient if profitability is to be passed on or shared out in higher wages .
5 They should be accounted for separately only if the instruments are capable of being cancelled or redeemed independently of each other ; otherwise they should be accounted for as a single instrument .
6 Accounting for the individual instruments is required by paragraph 19 if ( and only if ) the instruments are capable of being cancelled or redeemed independently of each other .
7 The minerals may simply be absent or present in negligible amounts , either naturally , through exhaustion by previous crops , or leached out by climatic conditions .
8 The Council , or what was left of it now , nodded wisely although frankly none of them understood or cared much about mechanical things .
9 The ten most frequently occurring ( from a corpus frequency count ) are ordered and can either be presented to the user , or passed on to further stages of analysis , depending upon the implementation .
10 If a record that is updated or accessed frequently in one time period is likely not to be referenced at all in the next , any analysis breaks down and the equal access assumption is the best guide for design decisions .
11 In a similar vein , Dr M in Department B said that the first year is concerned with ‘ settling in and acquiring practice , and acquiring a certain body of common reading which can then be appealed to or built on in subsequent years ’ .
12 The little town was packed with milling crowds , but many of these were parents , come to collect their sons ' wages before they either went back to work or moved on to another farm .
13 Hobbes defines ‘ place ’ as the ‘ space which is possessed or filled adequately by some body ’ , and ‘ motion ’ as ‘ the privation of one place , and the acquisition of another ’ .
14 Tears jumped into Evelyn 's eyes and she started to hurry in the direction of the girls ' barracks , ignoring the missiles which caught her on the back and arms or dropped uselessly on either side .
15 No Yugoslavs who have come into the hands of Allied Troops will be returned direct to Yugoslavia or handed over to Yugoslav Tps against their will .
16 In spite of what one reads and hears , we can take that as being a pretty definitive er word on , on the fact that we 're not being conned or ripped off in any way at all .
17 Certainly many interiors that have been gutted or scooped out in this way would now be considered worthy of retention — notably many of Nash 's interiors around Regent 's Park .
18 If this is done , then the work of individual teachers within the school contributes to the general pattern of pupils ' development , rather than being wasted because it is not adequately prepared for , or followed up by other teachers .
19 Or stuck together from various descriptions like an identikit picture ?
20 A letter which has been ‘ mounted ’ or stuck down to another sheet is not as desirable as one that is free .
21 Acceptance of mystery — taking it for granted that the spirit is beyond our total comprehension , that this dimension can not easily be put into words , or expressed adequately in any art form .
22 This easement does not by any means apply to all developers and is in any case temporary : setting off the charge against the claims in this way will not be possible when the fund has been distributed and the money has been spent or locked up in some investment .
23 Unsealed wooden slatted shelves can be treated with caustic cleaner , left in prolonged contact and pressure jet rinsed or brushed vigorously with hot clean water .
24 Most of the financial systems now targeted at the Unix market have grown out of software that was originally designed for use on PCs , or ported across from older mainframe systems and out of date mid-range platforms .
25 Many of these woods have been abandoned or grubbed up for agricultural use .
26 The fact that , for various reasons , Crosland opposed suggested ‘ transbinary ’ mergers — including Lancaster and the University of Warwick , Brighton and the University of Sussex — strengthened the feeling that the new public sector was being protected or singled out for special development .
27 Feelings do not have to be ‘ justified ’ ; they do not have to be rational ; they should never be judged as OK or not-OK , or covered up with positive thoughts and affirmations .
28 Throughout the century , there has lurked in the undergrowth of the common law a judge-made weapon of great flexibility and force which has never been defined with any great precision or examined closely by either House of Parliament .
29 In the late 1980s , this demand has been much increased by the partial return to school of those who were out of school or sent away to rural areas during the school boycotts and political turmoil of the late 1970s and early 1980s .
30 They do n't want to get stabbed … or sent away for six months .
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