Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They must be used to that , or got out of practice .
2 During the first few weeks , check that they have n't been lifted by frost or pecked out by birds .
3 They argue new laws are needed as modern technology has made a mockery of the 1959 Obscene Publications Act with violent pornography easily ordered by telephone or beamed in by satellite , making enforcement of the law almost impossible .
4 Some of the American crop were typed but their tone matched those handwritten or made up of letters and words snipped from publications .
5 On occasion there were more serious charges where preliminary hearings were held and the case either dismissed or passed on for trial at a higher court .
6 Items recovered are either reused or passed on to recyclers .
7 And when they have outlived their usefulness , they are slaughtered or sold cheaply for lab experiments .
8 ‘ Does anyone really believe that Israel will sit down with someone who was convicted or involved directly in violence against Jews ? ’ he asked .
9 Most off the shelf PCs these days come equipped with a graphics controller card which is either a card fitted into a vacant expansion slot or built in as part of the motherboard .
10 Little girls may be brought up to see power as something exercised mainly by the men in the family , and not a quality that is sought or used much by women .
11 Apart from evaporation ( unlikely except in an unoccupied house in hot weather ) , the main problem is that water can be ‘ siphoned ’ or sucked out of traps if the system has not been designed properly to avoid pipes running ‘ full ’ and thus causing suction at the trap .
12 In all the provisions there are exception clauses : an obligation can be revoked or modified only with consent ‘ unless it is established they had otherwise agreed ’ ; assent shall be presumed ‘ so long as the contrary is not indicated ’ ; a right may not be revoked or modified ‘ if it is established that the right was intended not to be revocable ’ .
13 One by one they sauntered out , or clustered together for safety in great rushes : all in theoretical navy and white , but with such imaginative variation in those two colours and where and how placed , and in what fabric , as to make their apparel singularly unalike .
14 In Nanking also , they had to build them as a safety measure , but they have either been dismantled or moved out of sight .
15 The major loss was through transfer out as fifteen people were relocated or moved abroad on promotion or on changing to a new firm .
16 Each house has a sophisticated meter attached to its TV set , which records exactly what is being played ( or played back on video ) .
17 Slower-acting than most artificials , it is best hoed or dug in during winter , some months ahead of renewed springtime growth and activity .
18 According to the statement of claim , the two former directors either committed misconduct or acted fraudulently in relation to two transactions — one in December 1988 for $100m and one in March 1989 for $220m .
19 A further 42 per cent is spread on farmland and 23 per cent is dumped in landfills or piped out to sea .
20 This applies whether proceedings were initiated in the High Court or arrived there by way of transfer from the county court .
21 There may be some who find it relaxing to make some test-tubes or cut out some filter-papers ; and apparatus to investigate previously unsuspected effects must be made from scratch , or assembled opportunistically from things designed for old purposes ; but ready availability of apparatus is an enormous bonus to the scientist , and the growth of science led to a flourishing trade .
22 Windows opened ; grocers ran to the doors of their shops ; customers stopped discussing bacon and turned ; our teachers wobbled on their bicycles as the noise buffeted them like a violent squall ; and boys sprinted to the school gates as they came out of the building , though many others , cool boys , shrugged or turned away in disgust , gobbing , cursing and scuffling their feet .
23 A witness in the family proceedings court who refuses to give evidence or produce any document once he gets to court may be committed to prison for a term not exceeding one month or fined up to £1,000 or both ( MCA , s97(4) ) .
24 Under existing legislation , the youths could be sentenced to a maximum of two years in prison or fined up to $10,000 , if found guilty .
25 Will the few surviving traditionalists who wore Pakamacs first time round , dripping and steaming simultaneously on forlorn summer holidays or jeered unmercifully at school , take to bright colours ?
26 There is no reason why the clause should not set out the detail of the procedure , such as time limits by which representations have to be made , and whether representations are to be exchanged simultaneously between the parties or served consecutively like pleadings .
27 Perhaps on a hundredth of those thousand times , seeing her there , it had moved him to think how in so many towns like Odborough men were looking up at her as they shut shops or walked home from mills and mines .
28 or vanished completely like Weldon Kees :
29 Mr Blunkett had been reviewing some of the scientific evidence about the connection between deprivation and ill health or premature death , and immediately before your intervention had referred to children in social class 5 being six times as likely to be burnt or knocked down in accidents as those in social class 1 .
30 Such bits and pieces considered as perquisites could either be disposed of directly or worked up into articles to be sold .
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