Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Millicent Fawcett vehemently objected to family allowances becoming a feminist plank and clung to the typically nineteenth-century belief that allowances ‘ would destroy the fabric of family life by wiping out the responsibility of parents for the maintenance of their children ’ .
2 The sergeant bumped over the sleeping-policemen and gazed at the neatly trimmed lawns and hedges with aggrieved jealousy in his eyes : the private estate was a symbol of a world from which he was excluded , a world of privilege and snobbery , a world that had turned its back on the poor , the sick and the unfashionable who had been swarming round their car only ten minutes before .
3 He raised the lid and gazed at the brightly coloured pots .
4 As I stood and gazed at the now empty slit trenches , I could n't help a sinking feeling in my stomach as I pictured in my mind those who had occupied the trenches in this orchard , those who had been killed or seriously wounded .
5 Before them stretched a tunnel of darkness , broken only by the beam of light that flashed over tree trunks and gleamed on the gracefully curving fronds of ferns .
6 The Australia of the early 1960s still seemed secure and stultified with the apparently eternal regime of Robert Menzies .
7 They seemed so much less menacing than the crows that pecked and fought in the newly harvested fields at home .
8 It became clear that travelling was important to Morris and so much an inspiration that if he ever felt bored at home or lacking in inspiration he just packed a suitcase and got on the nearest train to visit someone .
9 It became clear that travelling was important to Morris and so much an inspiration that if he ever felt bored at home or lacking in inspiration he just packed a suitcase and got on the nearest train to visit someone .
10 He drew a deep breath and headed for the nearest parked car .
11 It bounced a few yards ahead of the Hussars ' advance , then slammed into a wood where it tore and crashed through the thickly leaved branches .
12 It was a fast journey , and accomplished for the most part in silence , although Rohan did point out the entrance to the Château de Biron , as they flashed past .
13 The very next day I started ferreting around in the woods and came upon the most magnificent fortress of a sett .
14 Whitby is worth minor discomfort , however , and we quickly clambered down the 199 steps and strolled around the endlessly fascinating harbour and backstreets .
15 For a while business was brisk , then the crowd drifted away to watch an old man further down the lane who cavorted and danced in the most fantastical way .
16 Late in the afternoon , he asked and obtained from the now bemused Prior the services of the lay brother who had accompanied them to Earlston .
17 Most claimants at the time of their appeal will be too troubled and hassled by the more practical day to day problems of their plight ever to have the emotional energy to study the nuts and bolts of the machinery by which their appeal will be processed .
18 Most deaf people in education wither under the onslaught of methodologies , because specialist teacher training remains ‘ narrowly conceived ’ and focused on the how of deaf education much criticised by Warnock ( 1978 , p. 215 ) .
19 They continued their descent until their feet touched the top of the fuselage , half-walked , half-swam until they reached the front of the plane , switched on their flash-lights and looked through the completely shattered windows of the cockpit .
20 We ran into the warm waves like little children , and swam and did duck dives and looked at the strangely corrugated sand under the water , and kept an eye open for jellyfish and pointed shells and silver fishes in the groves of coral that cropped up here and there along the sea bed .
21 I turned and looked at the subtly tarted , much breathed-upon 300 sitting at the kerb , then made a show of sizing up Yvonne .
22 The No More War Movement denounced the League , with its reliance on force , as an affront to genuine pacifism , and looked to the more revolutionary currents within the labour movement to provide the basis for a politics of war resistance .
23 Charity turned and looked in the faintly wavering glass behind their bedroom door .
24 In the 19th century the rich and famous came to San Remo and insisted on the very best .
25 His long black scaled body rose into the air and fell upon the now swerving military vehicle .
26 Over £100,000 was spent on the campaign , which ran for six months , and culminated in the then Chancellor Nigel Lawson 's smug remark , following the Budget in March 1985 , that he had never had any intention of imposing a tax on books .
27 The collection took place on 15/16 June and resulted in the most valuable contribution of £125,903 to the Association .
28 I put my stethoscope on her heart and listened to the increasingly faint , rapid beat then I straightened up and sat on the rug looking sightlessly into the fireplace , feeling the warmth of the flames on my face .
29 In 1965 , unable to get any work in Hollywood , he moved to New York and drifted around the Lower East Side , cadging money to buy drugs .
30 He then moved on into Armenia , but on 10th June 1190 , while crossing the River Salef , his horse shied suddenly and Barbarossa fell and disappeared beneath the swiftly flowing waters .
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