Example sentences of "[coord] [vb past] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Others had festering wounds that seemed never to heal , or had adapted themselves to a three-legged gait , running as fast as the other dogs but with one leg , withered or deformed from birth , tucked up under their bodies .
2 As a result , an agreement was signed that about 50 rebel leaders could return to Nicaragua on condition that , like the returning contras , they renounced the armed struggle and illegal activities and agreed to incorporate themselves into the political system .
3 Say , 44 , of Craigmuir Croft , Ythanbank , near Ellon , appeared from custody and admitted conducting himself in a disorderly manner at his home while in possession of a loaded shotgun between 15 and 17 February , repeatedly threatening to shoot himself and committing a breach of the peace .
4 She leaned against the wooden wall , and tried to flatten herself as a tall thin man came out of an adjacent door and turned in her direction .
5 The elder of the two policemen smiled at Sarah but she dropped her eyes and tried to busy herself at the sink .
6 The film sped up as Cameron ran out of the building , still in his tailcoat , and tried to lose himself in the streets around the Barbican .
7 Hilda got hysterical and tried to kill herself with aspirins .
8 During her last imprisonment in Holloway in 1911–12 , when several hundred women were being forcibly fed , she thought her death would end this mass torture and tried to kill herself by throwing herself downstairs ; although seriously injured , she survived .
9 ‘ You attacked me and tried to force yourself upon me , you wanted to blackmail me , you followed me around and spied on me in Helmsley — and you say I 've nothing to fear ! ’
10 Stunned but ineffectual , she yelled in righteous rage and tried to pull herself to her feet , wanting nothing else but to throw herself at Duvall as …
11 Robyn headed the jeep up the by now familiar track to the barn and tried to get herself into the right frame of mind .
12 It was just a question of Mind over Matter , I thought , and tried to steel myself against the physical effects of an increasingly rough ride .
13 He put his head out of the window and tried to clam himself by attempting to identify the night sounds .
14 Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror , unaccountable yet unendurable , I threw on my clothes with haste ( for I felt that I should sleep no more during the night ) , and endeavoured to arouse myself from the pitiable condition into which I had fallen , by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment .
15 She talked about her husband and seemed to blame herself for his leaving .
16 As a result , many undoubtedly experienced deep feelings of isolation and alienation , and came to see themselves as prophets in the wilderness or pilgrims journeying through hostile territory .
17 Harry Lamb worked on his father 's farm , managed on five hours ' sleep a night and studied to prepare himself for the Church of Ireland ministry .
18 First of all , medieval armies were sometimes not dependent on lines of communication : they did not , often could not , live on their own supplies , and reckoned to feed themselves on the land they passed through .
19 Treatment was continued by the clinical psychologist who had previously been treating W. Whilst at this unit W. displayed violence towards the staff and began injuring herself by picking her skin .
20 ‘ We love sunflower seeds ! ’ they all cried , and began stuffing themselves with big black seeds .
21 The Ancient Britons surged forward and began forming themselves into lines , Elinor in front as Boudicca in a pretend chariot and Otley as Venutius , the belligerent Brit , consort of our Brigantian Queen Cartimandua .
22 He went across and began washing himself at the lavarium .
23 As she sank back against the cushions a sleek black cat appeared from nowhere and began to wind itself around her ankles .
24 I do not want to be harsh , but when I first set eyes on him I knew the type at once : the big , gangling provincial , so eager and relieved to find himself at last in artistic circles .
25 He had a strong sense of responsibility to his vocation of preaching and loved to compare himself to St Paul .
26 Jenny had a very poor topographical imagination and needed to apply herself with great concentration to the task of relating the main lines of street lights to her own knowledge of the town .
27 Ken , in the event neither fulminated nor frothed , and managed to restrict himself to a 15-minute speech in which he advanced some very cogent and well measured arguments for preventing bolting gaining the same sort of prominence it has in other countries — notably France and America .
28 When the day came I got up very early and managed to get myself into what was almost the front row of the crowd , immediately underneath the platform in Piazza Unità where he was to appear .
29 The Church , in other words , appropriated a prerogative previously reserved for God , and proceeded to install itself as God 's mouthpiece .
30 He drew back one of the chairs and proceeded to seat himself at the table opposite her .
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