Example sentences of "[coord] [noun prp] [v-ing] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Or Strauss congratulating the two of them on ‘ this piece of poetry which is quite exceptionally suited to music ’ ?
2 A further change occurred in 1804–5 when the firm 's style was altered to Rundell , Bridge & Rundell following the senior partner 's nephew , Edmond Waller Rundell ( 1768 ? –1857 ) , son of Maria Eliza Rundell [ q.v. ] , being admitted into the business .
3 Of course , it was most important that no one should see Colin , Mary , or Dickon entering the secret garden .
4 There was the most horrible letter in England or Britain joining the Common Market .
5 And now she was entirely alone , brother and sister both lost to her , Jonathon upstairs , Victoria downstairs and Melanie treading the dangerous route between them , connected to neither .
6 ( Remember Dupin being able to tell his friend step by step just what his silent train of thought had been , and Holmes doing the same to Watson . )
7 Thorneycroft insisted , like Sandys before him over the TSR 2 , that economies should be made by the Navy and RAF using the same airframe for their future supersonic fighter , but he was equally unsuccessful : the requirements for the two environments were far too far apart .
8 In Newham the development officer 's heaviest referral months were May to September , and January and February ( the summer holiday and severest winter weeks ) ; in Ipswich the pattern was slightly different , with January and February being low referral months , but with October , December and March matching the high referral summer months .
9 I anticipated the calling up of daemons , conversations with the dead , Anubis and Osiris joining the two of us for a ride on the ghost train at the palace pier .
10 Morceli says he is ‘ 80 per cent ’ confident of providing himself with the perfect 23rd birthday present by eclipsing Eamonn Coghlan 's ten-year-old mile mark of 3min 49.78sec but Norman believes other records will also tumble , with Colin Jackson in the 60m hurdles and Murray providing the British challenge .
11 On the other hand , the two British entries , Richardson and Hynds , worked together to take a substantial win in men 's K1 with Hemmings and Gilby doing the same thing in the ladies ' K1 event in a field of only three .
12 Me and Lucy walking the sun-dry common .
13 Although domestic sales fell , exports climbed 7 per cent to £1.96 billion with Venezuela , France and Spain showing the strongest growth .
14 The weather continued in an extremely unsettled mode , another vigorous depression on the well-trodden path between Iceland and Scotland giving the strongest winds of the month on the night of the 21st .
15 Further north the impact of urbanization again began to be seen as a positive stimulus to growth , leading Champion ( 1987 ) to conclude that the most outstanding aspect of population change there was the strong upward shift recorded by the main conurbation areas , with the metropolitan counties of the West Midlands , Merseyside , Greater Manchester , Tyne and Wear , and Strathclyde registering the strongest improvements .
16 as if I had n't got enough on my plate with Tim throwing a mid-life crisis and Phil doing the disturbed adolescent bit-now if you please Suzanne comes in at three-thirty in the morning , and me lying there sick with worry , she having never thought to phone , and London with rapists on every street corner or so one 's told .
17 Pallister and Bruce getting the better marks ( presumably for handling and tackling from behind respectively ) .
18 The review went largely according to Murrie 's specifications , with Armstrong and , from November , his successor , David Hubback , pruning the committees and Bridges and Brook handling the procedural aspects .
19 In previous months two other seminars have taken place in India and Singapore addressing the same topic .
20 The membership of the Conference is now much more representative of the various legal traditions , with a number of Eastern European countries and China representing the socialist tradition , and Australia , Canada , Ireland , the United Kingdom and the United States playing an active role from the common law perspective .
21 There was apparently an agreement between Pickard and Wasbrough allowing the latter to use the crank , and the engine-builder who was most incensed at the patenting of a device which he maintained had been known for centuries was James Watt [ q.v . ] .
22 Both justified their promotion , Kavanagh beating Julie Thomas three and two and Hackett getting the better of Lisa Dermott by two and one .
23 In 1990 there were 35,836 applications for asylum , representing an increase of 47 per cent as compared with 1989 , with those from India , Lebanon , Romania and Yugoslavia showing the greatest increases .
24 There I found Phil and Mike discussing the next move .
25 There were a few German Shepherds and Dobermanns guarding the larger properties , and the security guard at the hotel had a Rottweiler but , by and large , dogs were thin on the ground and were usually medium to large brown mongrels .
26 I , I sort of heard Debbie and Chris talking the other day , and I might have got it totally mixed up , but I reckon , I heard Chris saying that , well basically what I gathered was that Andy might have a different father to Chris and it was Andy 's father that 's died , right ?
27 The sighting of Mary Magdalene is affirmed by Peter and John discovering the Empty Tomb , the burial cloths neatly set to one side .
28 in 1992 , everything ( apparently ) starts with a D. With D-Ream and D-Influence leading the new D-Mobs , it would be a shame if people passed over the name D*Note .
29 what is sad to see is that a player like tony dorigo has not yet scored a goal this season and the same for kelly — that is : our wide defenders has not ( yet ) been a threat to the opposite team — which — if i rememeber correctly — did happen a couple of seasons back with both Love-Machine Sterland and Tony getting the occasional goal .
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