Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] a [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But when we 're dealing as we are in this case , with fraud , then clearly there has to be regulations , there has to be er primary legislation er so that was the point I 'm making but as I say , it 's not just me , it 's the stock exchange , the S I B , all of them believe that we need a single enforcement body to look at these matters and I do wish perhaps the minister does but the government must acc eople and a number of ople obviously with a number of traumas and a number of di exploit the different rules and regulations and to get through them because they know they are never going to be caught and the little chance of being prosecuted and even if they are prosecuted er then the chances of being convicted are remote and even if they are convicted I 'm afraid that the judicial shi system shows er that the worst they can expect is a few hours mowing the grass in front of an old folks home or perhaps a few months er in the country residence , albeit owned by Her Majesty .
2 Just under half lived in the same household as the dementia sufferer ( 45 per cent ) ; most of the remainder lived within easy reach : 14 per cent in the same street or only a few minutes ' walk away , 20 per cent within two miles , ten per cent within five miles , and only 11 per cent further than five miles away ( although in Newham 36 per cent of the principal carers lived more than two miles away compared with only 12 per cent in Ipswich ) .
3 Night at any rate you had fine , as we had , with a high clear moon & just a few stars lost here & there among folds of cloud .
4 So Bartle may have been a corn spirit , christianised to become St Bartholomew whose day falls at the right time of year , or even a former village priest as has been suggested .
5 Well how about a wild boar , or even a few snails ?
6 I 'd have preferred a book that told a few truths , or even a few lies .
7 They may concede that there may be frictional teething problems lasting a few years or even a few decades but argue that these are overcome eventually .
8 Some are quite a major commitment , some a small but regular commitment , others no more than an hour or even a few minutes of your time .
9 What she wanted from Luke Hunter was not a few months ' — or even a few years ' — sensual companionship .
10 Then we , father er with doing the bicycles and with interest in other engineering things like gas engines , which seemed to have a , a period of er great prosperity I would say er in the period between nineteen hundred or maybe a few years before that until early twenties the , the gas engines were ideal things for little factories .
11 Several contractors have had it and it 's never been right and eventually a few days or weeks later a man comes round to pick up the grass which has already flown everywhere so it 's too late and a wa total waste of money .
12 Travel has been easier than in the upper course valleys and so a few villages have grown to become market towns .
13 We have all become used to matching colours in the home , and perhaps a little colour co-ordination in the garden would not go amiss .
14 ‘ … a little cottage , and perhaps a few chickens .
15 The crucial question is whether the arbitrator 's is a typical authority , or whether the two features picked out above are peculiar to it and perhaps a few others , but are not characteristic of authorities in general .
16 We might run in the chaps I saw , and perhaps a few others , if they maintain a twenty-four hour guard on the place .
17 Born in 1903 , a year before Graham Greene , they met only when Orwell was dying ; and only a few letters are known to have passed between them , all composed in polite terms , as if to strangers .
18 Reasons of security lie behind the decision and only a few works will not be staying , including a handful of objects and paintings belonging to the artist himself and the painting ‘ Montroig , the church and the people ’ ( 1919 ) which has been promised to the Fondació Joan Miró in Barcelona .
19 I knew only that they happened there in the darkness and only a few feet from the pavements .
20 For the programme pick-up , Basil Hilton and Tony Geluch were using a single condenser microphone suspended centre stage and only a few feet above the conductor 's podium .
21 The kind of boat fishing at sea that I 've always done has had quite a few fathoms below the boat , but here the water was clear and only a few feet deep , we were certainly less than one hundred yards offshore .
22 The Halflings were cut down to a man , and only a few Knights Panther escaped to warn the Emperor Sigismund of the impending approach of the Orc horde .
23 Carved out of the rock and only a few inches wide , they require a certain agility .
24 As Weber ( 1963 ) points out , Sweden , Holland and Denmark are small nations with limited sized labour forces and only a few industries of major importance .
25 This infill bears few craters , and only a few craters have been partially obscured , indicating that the whole Caloris basin since its creation has suffered few impacts and is therefore comparatively recent .
26 Dig the soil to the depth of a spade or fork , and clear out the rubbish as you go large stones , glass , china , bottle tops , sticks , wire , plastic and so on — at the same time mixing in a thin layer of rotted garden compost , especially if the soil is shallow and only a few cm ( in ) deep on top of chalk subsoil .
27 Skip could not speak Russian and only a few crew members could speak limited English .
28 felt too tired to drive me on to ESF 's house , so I got there by bus , or rather by two buses ( an easy change ) , the first starting from about a hundred yards from and the other stopping just behind the Zoo by Primrose Hill and only a few minutes from Eduardo .
29 The audience too seemed miles away and only a few coughs could be heard .
30 No camera lens can match the flexibility of the human eye and only a few experiments in stereoscopy attempt two-eyed ( binocular ) vision , essential to true 3-D perception .
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