Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb pp] to [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In an extended piece of discourse , a common procedure , known as anaphora , is for the identity of someone or something to be given once at the beginning , and thereafter referred to as she or he or it .
2 What has been attempted in this chapter has been the clarification that so far the traditional values of catholic nationalism are still dominant among the Roman catholics of Ireland , even if they are severely contested by a significant minority from among them and lukewarmly subscribed to by a further significant minority .
3 A number of remedies have been added to the materia medica including the bowel nosodes which were first discovered by Dr Edward Bach and later added to by Dr John Paterson .
4 If that clause was taken to be a definition of the Government 's position and repeatedly referred to as an escape route , which appears to be the intention , it would fundamentally undermine confidence in the Government 's commitment to the European process .
5 Composed of a series of adjacent prayer-rug schemes , and often referred to as " family " or " multiple " prayer rugs .
6 It dyes wool a reddish brown colour , distinctively well known and often referred to in either language as crotal .
7 For an object to exist in an ontological sense is to exist in its own right and not merely as an object of thought , but it is not to exist independently of the conditions under which it may be thought of and identifyingly referred to as that particular object and no other .
8 Charleston systematically and meticulously set to with the assistance of one man , Mike Cloxam .
9 By Elizabethan times it was familiar in every garden , and frequently referred to in records of the 13th and 14th centuries , although officially it is not supposed to have been introduced until 1573 .
10 I , MARIUS LADISLAS STENIATOWSKI , commonly known as MARIUS STEEN , and hereinafter referred to as such , of 173 , Orme Gardens , London , W2 and ‘ Rivalon ’ , Streatley-on-Thames in the County of Berkshire , Theatrical Impresario , HEREBY REVOKE all wills and testamentary documents heretofore made by me AND DECLARE this to be my LAST WILL 1 .
11 Taking the French system as an example , the huissier de justice engaged by the plaintiff will deliver the documents to the ministère public ; this is a body of officers attached to the court and primarily responsible for the public prosecution function in the criminal jurisdiction , and customarily and conveniently referred to as the parquet ( which literally means ‘ the well of the court ’ where these officers used to be placed ) .
12 They had been introduced by seed merchants putting them into their catalogues and invoices — and never objected to by farmers .
13 Chlorosis , which was described as an anaemia and commonly referred to as the ‘ green sickness ’ because of the appearance of its victims , was regarded by doctors as a middle class ailment , contracted by women who led an idle , self-indulgent life .
14 Gareth Chilcott — popularised as the Oddjob of English rugby during the first World Cup in Australia in 1987 , but affectionately referred to as ‘ Coochie ’ in these parts — was sent off for punching , and 14 men of Bath succumbed to Gloucester 's 15 .
15 Originally Romanesque , like so many houses around this square , but later added to in Gothic and then early Renaissance style at the beginning of the 16C .
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