Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [vb past] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 By chance the introduction of better rigging more or less coincided with the gold discoveries in California .
2 ‘ We come to what we more or less knew in the first place .
3 Nor did he see another consequence , as his nephew Mauss confessed , shortly before going mad : ‘ how large modern societies which have more or less emerged from the Middle Ages in other respects , could be hypnotized as aborigines are by their dances and set in motion like a child 's carousel .
4 Another time his father might have laughed or mildly remonstrated about the cruelty of the imitation .
5 For many that was Buncrana or Fahan in County Donegal where they surfed , skiied , took boat trips or just lay in the sun .
6 I thought you were here at first , or just nipped to the pub or something . ’
7 In 1966/67 and 1973/74 six or more birds wintered in the county , but the autumn and winter of 1974/75 were quite remarkable , with a total of 45–50 birds altogether , of which at least 20 wintered ; 15 or more arrived from the south at Beachy Head on 22 October 1974 .
8 At many moments of weakness , or love , Thomas had spent far more money than he could afford or even wished for the sake of Simon 's joy in the holidays .
9 Even if a relatively highly geared mortgage can be obtained , the cost of indemnity insurance on such mortgages has doubled or even tripled since the boom .
10 This consideration was never advanced or even pondered by the opponents of the agreement .
11 Most studies do not use representative samples , and personality traits are typically assessed after the eating disorder has developed , thus making it difficult to determine whether the personality features caused , maintained , or simply resulted from the eating disorder .
12 They sat in rows and watched television or simply stared into the distance .
13 But funerals in any expensive way here with us , are now accounted but as a fruitlesse vanitie , insomuch that almost all the ceremoniall rites of obsequies heretofore used , are altogether laid aside : for we see daily that Noblemen , and Gentlemen of eminent ranke , office , and qualitie , are either silently buried in the night time , with a Torch , a two-penie Linke , and a Lanterne ; or parsimoniously interred in the day-time , by the helpe of some ignorant countrey-painter , without the attendance of any one of the Officers of Armes , whose chiefest support , and maintenance , hath ever depended upon the performance of such funerall rites , and exequies .
14 Other couples wandered in their wake , or else lingered on the hilltop by the Commemorative stone , happier in their partners .
15 Each classroom is built of sticks and foliage and is either carefully camouflaged under trees or else dug into the sides of rocky hills .
16 The area was featureless for precision flying , with large square fields either filled with cattle or recently ploughed after the wheat harvest .
17 Competitive Regulation : here , the aim is to ensure that competition is not eliminated or seriously hampered by the formation of cartels .
18 The chair of the US House of Representatives banking committee stated on Feb. 3 that investigations revealed that 13 US firms had knowingly or unknowingly participated in the Iraqi nuclear weapons programme prior to the invasion of Kuwait , despite an administration report in autumn 1991 to the contrary .
19 All too often records of women , whether mistress of the house or maid servant , are lost or never existed in the first place .
20 The Holy Roman Empire , of Charlemagne , of the Ottonian emperors , through to the Hohenstaufens , was to be seen in all seriousness as the legitimate heir of ‘ the Augustan peace ’ : a dispensation which , though seldom or never actualized through the last five centuries , must be held in mind as the one and only imaginable harmonizing of Church and State , of religion and politics , at least throughout Europe .
21 Our librarian passed me the disk ready for review , I ran it and nervously waited for the title page .
22 Our librarian passed me the disk ready for review , I ran it and nervously waited for the title page .
23 The UN Security Council on Nov. 29 approved Resolution 678 authorizing member governments to use " all necessary means " to ensure Iraq 's complete withdrawal from Kuwait , if by a deadline of Jan. 15 , 1991 , the Iraqis had not already done so and thereby complied with the UN 's previous resolutions .
24 The reality was that the growth of corporate enterprise shattered three of the assumptions which underlay the belief that economic power of the company was regulated and thereby legitimated by the competitive market .
25 The discovery of the three devices in the past two days may mark a reappearance of the ‘ tartan terrorism ’ which flared in the 1970s and mostly disappeared as the perpetrators of various bank robberies and explosions were jailed .
26 An example is William McDougal 's correspondence with Friendly Societies which revealed their discrimination against deaf people , and eventually led to the acceptance of the deaf and dumb on equal terms with hearing people by the Church Benefit Society .
27 Over the long centuries a series of massive offensives rolled them back through the Shadowlands and eventually culminated in the storming of Anlec .
28 Many species live , and presumably lived in the past , in inland or upland sites where little sediment accumulates .
29 There was a red light up , and he was stopped by a policeman as he reached the opposite pavement and duly asked for the appropriate number of marks .
30 He stood there slightly bent for a few seconds holding his stomach and then he staggered and slowly fell to the floor .
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