Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] not [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Quite something to witness , and often not part of feminists ' vocabulary .
2 There is no attempt to zoom in on solo instruments , and indeed not signs of unwelcome engineering anywhere ; one is left with the most natural impression of a fine concert as heard from about Row S.
3 They decided that he was only in it for himself and was not the sort of person the comrades wanted to have with them , and definitely not part of the consensus .
4 Under the Lateran Treaty of February 11 , 1929 , he says , the ecclesiastical state is deemed to be not part of Italy , and therefore not part of the EC .
5 But , they argue , the shooting of the Jews was a reprisal , a ‘ spontaneous criminal reaction , spectacular , ferocious … ’ but ‘ relatively improvised ’ and therefore not part of a ‘ concerted plan ’ .
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