Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 which we can be sure , or think we can be sure , of biological connection is always very narrow ; but sociological kinship , which depends only on our willingness to slot individuals into particular verbal categories , can be extended as far as we like , or rather as far as local convention requires , and that may be thousands of miles and include many thousands of individuals .
2 For instance , they used to play a kind of game ( about twice a week , or rather more often if Odilo put his foot down ) , where she must lie still and show no sign of life , throughout .
3 It strides more or less straight ahead until it finds an item of food and then changes its movements , now turning through tight angles .
4 This follows the ethic pursued in the conversion of similarly old city-centre premises in New York of leaving exteriors more or less alone so as not to attract attention .
5 So they can expect to live more or less as long as any , as , as , as any woman does .
6 Male victims above the age of consent might well be perceived as homosexual or latently so even if they are not .
7 In many of the Longhorns , however , the horns spread outwards and upwards instead and some have one horn growing in that fashion while the other curves down or one or both forwards rather than upwards or downwards .
8 I was hoping to see Laura Channing alone , or as near alone as we could get in that hullaballoo .
9 Documentary evidence , such as a letter from a bank , must be sent with your application form , or as soon after as possible .
10 Such a wage would have been comparable to or even slightly better than that paid to other craftsmen in the area .
11 And although they tended to come from less advantaged backgrounds , only children performed as well as , or even slightly better than , fellow pupils from two-child families .
12 Starting was as fraught as ever or even more so because of large craft wanting to come through the start line but it must be said that the cruiser operators were generally very cooperative throughout the race .
13 Almost the most enjoyable thing of all is Lewis 's ability to find traces of the ‘ old world ’ — beliefs which go back to Isadore of Seville or Macrobius or even as far as Plato — surviving in the pages of Fielding , Johnson or Wordsworth .
14 Or maybe even further than that : to those warm sunny days when she sat watching her Daddy and asking him questions and he told her like he always did - ‘ Go and play , there 's a good girl . ’
15 I could imagine institutions , for example , being told to be in a different position perhaps in five years ' time or ten years ' time , and being able to do this by a variety of means , working towards it , whereas , it seems to me it 's a very much harder problem , although it 's , it 's understandable as I said in the , in the present circumstances , to actually be able to take on this properly and do a proper job of change in a time scale of perhaps one year or maybe even less than that in some cases .
16 ‘ I visited it once or twice too often before you were born , ’ he said .
17 However , while the nature of the effect of feedback on gain is similar for each circuit arrangement , occurrence of a decreased or increased gain simply depending on whether the feedback is negative or positive , the character of the effect of feedback on the input and output impedance depends on whether the relevant circuit connection is series or parallel as well as on whether the feedback is negative or positive .
18 With only 400,000 people and lots of bauxite , there is no good reason why Suriname should not be as democratic as and rather better off than most of the little states of the Caribbean .
19 Her mother , my Grandmother Anne , was a Sayers , and they were the Manor House family in Bowes and rather better off than most .
20 If a sentence is long or otherwise difficult , mimic one phrase at a time , beginning with the last one , then adding the penultimate one , and so on successively till you can manage the whole utterance .
21 Among ‘ middle class ’ Tories on the other hand , a substantial majority ( 65 per cent ) took the fourth view , thinking in terms of ‘ national interest ’ , ‘ competence ’ and so on rather than in class terms .
22 It is interesting that Hahnemann discovered this method of dissolving insoluble materials such as gold , silver , platinum and so on long before colloid chemistry was ever dreamt of .
23 The regulation and growth of cells was much more complicated than originally believed , and so far more than 40 different types of oncogenes have been discovered in experiments using retroviruses , said the assembly citation .
24 Usual stuff — you arrange that on such-and-such a day you 'll turn up with so many people and so much luggage and he 'll transport you to the next place and when you turn up he pretends things have changed and you did n't say fifty but fifteen and anyway the price has gone up and so on and so bloody on until he gets the backhander he wants .
25 I placed all my washing materials , towels , razor and so forth exactly where they should be , wiped a little steam off the mirror on my bathroom cabinet , and returned to my room .
26 This example of practical remembrance is paralleled in our other welfare facilities — at Sussexdown and Richard Peack House and the Eagle Lodges — and perhaps most importantly as we reach out through our Honorary Welfare Officers and out members to find and to help individuals in need .
27 Until recently acetylcysteine was not recommended for use more than 15 hours after overdose , but there is now evidence that it can safely be given to patients up to 24 hours after ingestion and perhaps even later than this .
28 At some point in the second half of next year , and perhaps even earlier if President Mitterrand decides to bring forward the abolition of French controls , the Government is going to be faced with an inescapable decision .
29 It 'd be a full time job I should say , possibly one or two posts and perhaps even more than that .
30 I reflected on it , but declined , principally because of my unwillingness to belong to any party — I have never been a party member — and perhaps even more because the seat I was offered appeared to be an impregnable Tory stronghold .
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