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1 In many of the Longhorns , however , the horns spread outwards and upwards instead and some have one horn growing in that fashion while the other curves down or one or both forwards rather than upwards or downwards .
2 Such a wage would have been comparable to or even slightly better than that paid to other craftsmen in the area .
3 And although they tended to come from less advantaged backgrounds , only children performed as well as , or even slightly better than , fellow pupils from two-child families .
4 Or maybe even further than that : to those warm sunny days when she sat watching her Daddy and asking him questions and he told her like he always did - ‘ Go and play , there 's a good girl . ’
5 I could imagine institutions , for example , being told to be in a different position perhaps in five years ' time or ten years ' time , and being able to do this by a variety of means , working towards it , whereas , it seems to me it 's a very much harder problem , although it 's , it 's understandable as I said in the , in the present circumstances , to actually be able to take on this properly and do a proper job of change in a time scale of perhaps one year or maybe even less than that in some cases .
6 With only 400,000 people and lots of bauxite , there is no good reason why Suriname should not be as democratic as and rather better off than most of the little states of the Caribbean .
7 Her mother , my Grandmother Anne , was a Sayers , and they were the Manor House family in Bowes and rather better off than most .
8 Among ‘ middle class ’ Tories on the other hand , a substantial majority ( 65 per cent ) took the fourth view , thinking in terms of ‘ national interest ’ , ‘ competence ’ and so on rather than in class terms .
9 The regulation and growth of cells was much more complicated than originally believed , and so far more than 40 different types of oncogenes have been discovered in experiments using retroviruses , said the assembly citation .
10 Until recently acetylcysteine was not recommended for use more than 15 hours after overdose , but there is now evidence that it can safely be given to patients up to 24 hours after ingestion and perhaps even later than this .
11 It 'd be a full time job I should say , possibly one or two posts and perhaps even more than that .
12 In so many respects utterly ditferent from Wilde , Genet nevertheless also subverts the depth model of identity via the perverse dynamic , and perhaps more so than any other writer since Wilde .
13 They rarely live in temperatures of less than 25C ( 75F ) and the banks on which they grow are mainly between three and five , and only occasionally more than five , fathoms deep .
14 Not only are a majority of those retiring today fitter , more skilled and better off financially than any previous generation , but with early retirement increasingly becoming the norm , a great many of us can realistically look forward to 25 years or more of active life ahead .
15 Hence , the emphasis of our work which , broadly speaking , is concerned with helping either organizations , by which I mean galleries and arts centres , or individuals , in other words artists , craftsmen , photographers , and is increasingly directed to the former in the belief that if we can help them , these centres and galleries , towards adequate levels of staffing and expertise , they in their turn , and much less artificially than we , will be able to help the individual artist .
16 Lloyds is no more outlandish or intrusive than Tower Bridge and much less so than the monstrous and melancholy Battersea Power Station , a sublime work of imperious architecture that Londoners once loved to hate but now admire .
17 Subsequent popes would exercise their right to provide far more often and much more widely than John did , but never again would a king of England be quite so impotent in the choice of his bishops .
18 The student population of universities is growing , though less steadily and much more slowly than that of polytechnics .
19 Edward never proposed to me , I never ‘ accepted ’ him , yet here we are just as much engaged and much more so than lovers of whom I have read .
20 Not by any means always , but more often than not ; and much more often than most .
21 Glasses washed in dishwasher were streak free , bright and generally far better than those washed in the sink .
22 Again she felt — and more vehemently now than she had felt it before — that Timothy Gedge was possessed .
23 And probably even less than that , now I think of it , two hours that 's quite a long time is n't it Peter ?
24 No matter what the origin of a site was , at some stage during its development and probably sooner rather than later — it will have acquired an economic role .
25 The most convincing leys are short — usually only a few kilometres in length and probably never more than 30 km long .
26 If foxes have to be killed , then shooting strikes me as being as decent a method as any , and probably far better than most .
27 It pulls hard , evenly and far less raucously than an Astra GSi , Escort RS2000 or Renault 19 16v .
28 She had ever been curious about Benedict 's background , and now more so than ever , when everything hinged on his moral claim to Merchiston Lodge .
29 The curists still come , it seems , to drink , gargle or bathe in the baths at the top of the town , but since the end of the last war the cure has been democratized ; in an age of health insurance many can afford it who before could not , and contemporary spa-goers both demand less and live less expensively than their more frivolous predecessors .
30 Benefits were distributed socially and spatially less widely than anticipated .
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