Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Suspicion and hostility towards the law in working-class London at the turn of the century drew on much deeper funds of popular feeling than can be usefully or relevantly summed up as the work of ‘ Hooligan ’ gangs or ‘ Hooliganism ’ .
2 Here you can sit in an arch-lined square , shop for the region 's wonderful food and wine , wander the Saturday market , or perhaps walk up to the medieval hilltop castle and village of Montefioralle where the views stretch forever .
3 Leith felt sick to her stomach when Mr Ardis , either not believing that his son had just pounced unencouraged on her , or perhaps covering up for his son 's weaknesses , told her that a month 's severance pay would be sent to her , and dismissed her on the spot .
4 No you you got a more or less get up on something to sort it out .
5 Aye so of course As I say er i i we were more or less grew up with it .
6 They have n't been as much part of my life as I would like , because for the last year or so it has been more or less taken up by the future of the channel .
7 My English friend Annie was more or less brought up by her nan in a back-to-back in Manchester .
8 I ca n't decide whether Albé likes me , or merely puts up with me for Shelley 's sake …
9 There were a lot of young drunks staggering about , too — most at that noisy and unattractive stage where they might want to be your pal or pick a fight or just throw up on you , so I gave them a wide berth .
10 Anyone interested is welcome to contact me on 0703 476894 , or secretary Kate Rogers on 0962 760316 , or just turn up at our meeting on May 9th at the Holy Trinity Church Hall in Winchester , starting at 10.30 a.m .
11 ‘ She could have gone to friends , or just driven up to London , ’ Fraser defended himself .
12 The volunteer may help the young person with job applications or other form-filling , go to a football match or the cinema with them or just meet up for a chat .
13 He could stay in Formula Ford for another year , or possibly move up to Vauxhall Lotus .
14 Alluvial gold , which most commonly occurs as dust or fine flakes , the residue left behind when lighter materials have been removed by the flow of natural waters , can be won by simple sluicing or washing , or even picked up on the surface in the form of nuggets shaped by the compression of fine particles into compact masses by natural forces .
15 These impermeable rocks form landscapes with rivers that rise quickly , even flooding their banks after heavy rain , but diminish or even dry up after a spell of dry weather .
16 This index enables you to select either the option to reserve a package or product name or alternatively reserve up to 29 source , foreign or pmodel names .
17 It could be spent by the Training and Enterprise Councils ( TECs ) for the benefit of the people who run those organisations or simply end up as profit for the TECs .
18 Experience tells us that many people who take up jogging , cycling , and other aerobic routines often sustain injuries , or simply give up after a short time .
19 We should be grateful that most of our Group products directly or indirectly end up on plates or in glasses .
20 Selkirk threw him a cloak , telling the clerk to make himself as comfortable as possible and Corbett slept fitfully , waking once or twice to go up on deck to vomit his dinner into the sea amidst the jeering catcalls of the night watch .
21 or ( e ) The way in which goods are packed or otherwise got up for the purpose of being supplied .
22 I walked along , trembling with anger and misery , not through the London of beautiful houses and clean streets that I 'd dreamed of , where people wore only elegant , expensive clothes , nor between buildings that soared into the clouds , but in the darkness past trees planted at infrequent intervals and council houses with their unlit windows , all alike ; I passed people asleep , protected from the cold in cardboard boxes , and rubbish in untidy heaps or neatly tied up in black plastic bags and empty milk bottles with traces of sour milk lingering in them , and I marvelled once again that the dairies were trusting enough to leave them lying about .
23 We believe that the Direction must require notification of all schemes which either individually or cumulatively add up to 20,000 sq m , where separate schemes are being considered together .
24 She is starting a career , leaving college , unhappy with her present job or too caught up with her work — anyway , she 's open to change and accepts adventure , though often not by choice .
25 Red Lion Square , covering about half an acre at the most , and mostly taken up by the Great North Road , represents just the shrunken remains of a market place that once covered about five times that area .
26 Along with the bruises , I was left with the problem of what to do in the Grand Final , and eventually came up with the idea of a prop stool which would collapse at the touch of a button and jump up again on its own .
27 Bernie obviously worked on the idea and eventually came up with a much cheaper and more simple solution which would provide the investigator with a moving picture of the basic flight instruments during the period leading up to the crash .
28 He was , we were told , a butcher from Thaxted who joined a gang of baddies and eventually landed up in York jail , where he was hanged for horse stealing .
29 The two of you — and your lawyers — will look at your financial position , at your wife 's , at how long you 've been married , whether or not she 's working ( and if she is n't , what sort of work she 'll be able to find ) and eventually come up with a sum which is supposed to be fair to both of you .
30 Keiran served in the US Air Force , fought the Pentagon to prevent being posted to Vietnam and eventually ended up at Salford studying under the G.I. Bill of Rights , all paid for by Uncle Sam .
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