Example sentences of "[coord] [adv] [verb] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I keep going round the painting seeing extra bits that need to be emphasised , or perhaps to blend in too start a line .
2 In so far as the house does represent a large capital asset , and it undoubtedly does , I am quite clear that in the long term , house prices are likely , generally to rise with inflation , indeed I would think must do so or perhaps to rise rather more quickly than inflation if there is a rising population and as there has been for very , very ma many years have passed , that , in the passed a decreasing occupancy rate .
3 In ridding the Tory Party of its old aristocratic embrace , the Prime Minister has entirely failed — or perhaps has not even tried — to banish oligarchic mores that went with its former upper-crust outlook .
4 But if they wo n't talk — or perhaps do n't even know precisely what goes on — we 've shown our hand , and got no tricks .
5 Although crew cuts had been around forever , all-over short hair of ½″ or less started in about '64 & was a conservative-suit-mod staple until '68 when it went even shorter — ¼″ and less & in '69 near-shaven styles ( baldness never caught on ) ½″ or so of hair in the 60s was not as noteworthy as a backward glance might suggest — because long hair got all the publicity , you 'd think that everyone below 25 grew their hair long .
6 He stood for a minute or so gazing down expressionlessly at the pale , bloodless face of the Prophet .
7 THE LAST 10 days or so have not so much shaken the world as utterly changed it .
8 Once provided , two general trends are obvious : first , the intra-mural zone remained or soon became relatively well built-up , and second , there was no obvious contraction or shift in emphasis within the extra-mural zone prior to the mid fourth century at least .
9 Basically , in a mixed sex classroom , teachers consciously or unconsciously spend about twice as much time with boys than with the girls ( Spender and Sarah 1980 ) .
10 Recent US research has shown that women who resist assault , either by showing aggression or physically fighting back double their chances of avoiding rape .
11 It will take 20 years or longer to sort out so much confusion and , musically , what will be left ?
12 ’ His ‘ instant portrait ’ — on the accuracy of which he prided himself enormously — was that the client was most likely a starter , could very well be a married man , children off his hands , time on his hands , going back to his own public school days ( the velvet collar on the overcoat was a giveaway ) and the boys will be boys bit or just realized very late that what he really fancied was a bit of the other and had to wallet to get it .
13 So if you 're interested in putting your factory on our map — or just finding out more about us — please send this coupon to our London office .
14 Or still to pack up already .
15 If life expectancy improves when all four indicators are held constant or also improve then clearly an unambiguous benefit to health has taken place .
16 In possibly solving a problem in relation to stamp duty or SDRT the arrangement may throw up problems in other areas : ( 1 ) Section 89(4) of CA 1985 ( statutory pre-emption rights ) provides that the statutory pre-emption rights do not apply to a particular allotment of equity shares if these are , or are to be , wholly or partly paid up otherwise than in cash .
17 They are often at the rear or side of the main hospital building , or even sited completely away from the main thoroughfare .
18 Well , if you are typical of your birth sign , you will have already made up your mind and taken your leave around August 6th , when it became apparent that certain associates had sided against you or even gone so far as to hatch some kind of plot .
19 Why should not ‘ middle-class values ’ — loosely articulated as industry , honesty , thrift , ambition , prudence , civility — be encouraged or even imposed more widely ?
20 Deep safe water was a dark royal blue , while over a coral reef the sea shaded to green or , when perilously shallow , to brown , and Thessy , peering ahead , would shout at me to go to port or starboard , or even to go backwards as fast as the motors would catch hold .
21 The main point to make , however , is that few teachers consciously build in such skills when planning resource-based exercises , and regrettably few teachers could either articulate the nine simple points above or even demonstrate very convincingly their own abilities in a library setting .
22 The novice teacher will require careful guidance through the option structure of the program with clear explanations and very limited demands in terms of making choices , if he is not to be distracted from the normal demands of teaching or even put off completely .
23 However , some consumers , and these will be the poorer ones , will be worse off under the two-part tariff regime because they consume fewer than x units under average cost pricing , so charging a lump sum fee unc makes them pay a higher effective price for their units or forces them to consume fewer or even to drop out entirely .
24 The expansion of American medical research , much of the finest quality , attracted European doctors who aspired to a scientific career , and they did well to spend a year or two in an American laboratory , or even to emigrate there altogether .
25 It is completely parallel and can intelligently farm bits of itself and applications across multiple processors , or alternatively sit on just one .
26 It is completely parallel and can intelligently farm bits of itself and applications across multiple processors , or alternatively sit on just one .
27 If the sender does not intend violations of the principle to be perceived as such , or if the receiver does not realize that they are deliberate , then communication degenerates into lying , obfuscation , or simply breaks down altogether .
28 Yet it costs individual households nothing more to put out an extra binfull , although the community as a whole will have to pay more ; conversely , they save nothing if they recycle or compost or simply buy more carefully .
29 After the whambamthankyouma'am of the sixties , the seventies barely existed in their own right , but were more a kind of dream time when no one wanted to admit the good times had gone , or indeed had never really been .
30 I do n't know whether it 's circumstantial , or maybe did n't actually send it .
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